Most Jewish people have been taken in by the Money-Lenders" just like the rest of us. They already had financial centres that were under their control and not the country they were in. For instance, The Fed, the City of London - the "square mile", and the Bank of International Settlement in Switzerland, but what they also needed was a bolt-hole in case it all went pear-shaped.
So, identify yourself as a Jew, create a country just for Jews then you have a bolt-hole should you ever need it.
Also, the Money-Lenders can use the Jewish population for their own ends. Kill a few here and there and claim victim status and make it so they can never be criticised. So now, no-one can even speak out against you because you can play the "anti-semitic" card.
Who said: "You know who is in charge by who you are not allowed to criticise?" Anyone who tries to oppose the Money-Lenders' money-making projects ends up either dead or their country goes to war and the money-making systems are re-installed afterwards.
Very good speculation but for further facts Mike King of Real News and is awesome. Read all his books and they are easy and concise and will make you RETHINK all the History you have been taught. He is also a regular on Rumble channels like NewsTreason and UntoldHistoryChannel
Pure speculation on my part:
Most Jewish people have been taken in by the Money-Lenders" just like the rest of us. They already had financial centres that were under their control and not the country they were in. For instance, The Fed, the City of London - the "square mile", and the Bank of International Settlement in Switzerland, but what they also needed was a bolt-hole in case it all went pear-shaped.
So, identify yourself as a Jew, create a country just for Jews then you have a bolt-hole should you ever need it.
Also, the Money-Lenders can use the Jewish population for their own ends. Kill a few here and there and claim victim status and make it so they can never be criticised. So now, no-one can even speak out against you because you can play the "anti-semitic" card.
Who said: "You know who is in charge by who you are not allowed to criticise?" Anyone who tries to oppose the Money-Lenders' money-making projects ends up either dead or their country goes to war and the money-making systems are re-installed afterwards.
Very good speculation but for further facts Mike King of Real News and is awesome. Read all his books and they are easy and concise and will make you RETHINK all the History you have been taught. He is also a regular on Rumble channels like NewsTreason and UntoldHistoryChannel