Guess we won’t be seeing a transgender pre transitioning Super Mario Incest edition game.
The game would be titled. Mario & Luigi: Love is Love
Princess Peach has green hair, tatoos and nose rings. Bowser is the good guy and just misunderstood. The final board is a giant LGBTQILMNO orgy with kids and furries.
Of course! The running joke is that people keep mistaken Link as Zelda because Zelda is the title of the series. Like Mario in "Mario Brothers" and Sonic in "Sonic the Hedgehog."
Guess we won’t be seeing a transgender pre transitioning Super Mario Incest edition game.
The game would be titled. Mario & Luigi: Love is Love Princess Peach has green hair, tatoos and nose rings. Bowser is the good guy and just misunderstood. The final board is a giant LGBTQILMNO orgy with kids and furries.
the new zelda game stars the female zelda rather than link.
A Zelda game that stars Zelda? Stop the presses, lol. Can’t wait for a Metorid game that stars Metroid
have you ever played the zelda games? Zelda is like princess peach she waits to be rescued. Link is the hero of the game.
Of course! The running joke is that people keep mistaken Link as Zelda because Zelda is the title of the series. Like Mario in "Mario Brothers" and Sonic in "Sonic the Hedgehog."