BREAKING: Venezuelan Gang Tren de Aragua Takes Over Aurora Apartment Complex—Reports of Human Trafficking and Child Abuse Surfac...
The notorious Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang has reportedly taken control of the Whispering Pines apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, threatening the lives of property managers and engaging in a host of violent criminal activities, according to a lawsui...
According to our local news and the local police, republicans are completely lying about this. This is not really happening.
Everyone needs to buy a firearm, learn how to use it, create a home defense plan, and be prepared. There are not enough local cops to protect you from this insanity and the Feds will do nothing.
I've seen the same vid and still pic on every story. Dudes in a hallway with a red and white door. More varied photos would help substantiate the story. Are there more photos?