20 Ann Coulter - Another Lie: Biden is Deporting More Illegals than Trump (www.takimag.com) posted 200 days ago by ashlanddog 200 days ago by ashlanddog +20 / -0 Another Lie: Biden is Deporting More Illegals than Trump 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
"Biden and Harris want to find the “root cause” of illegal immigration? The root cause is them."
Ugh, Ann Coulter. Who cares what she has to say anymore?
She is controlled opposition for sure!
...you cared enough to comment...
So? She's loathsome.
...her ability to convey thoughts to words is outstanding...
...just because you disagree with someone's opinions, doesn't diminish that....
She's a turncoat best friends with Matt Drudge who went over to the dark side. Ann has been nowhere to be seen for years. She only pops up when she can profit from her opinions. She turned on Trump after he was elected.
That woman is useless. Go away. No one cares about you.
...obviously a few do...