I became a "Born Again" believer when I was nine. I was the only Christian in my family...literally. My dad used to call me a Jesus freak. I start my rant this way for 2 reasons...first, to point out how serious I was/am about my faith and second, to point out that most of my life I have had a Biblical worldview.
By my senior year in high school (1983) I knew something was seriously wrong with our country...but didn't understand what or why I felt that way. I guess I figured it was just because I was a "Conservative Christian" living in the very liberal city of SF. Again, I was coming from a solidly Biblical worldview, but had zero concept of a NWO. However, this Biblical worldview formed the basis for what would allow my mind and spirit to grasp what I would learn in one week in 1995.
Fast forward to my first year of marriage (1995). This was a pivotal year for me. This year changed my life forever.
It was during this time I was steeped in Conservative thought reading the "Conservative Chronicle" and listening to Rush Limbaugh constantly. I was a corporate pilot/manager for a large garbage company in the Bay Area and much of my time was spent traveling between city offices in my company owned Chevy El Camino. Man, I miss that car and the hours of Conservative radio I listened to. But again, I will highlight the fact that at this point I knew nothing of a Cabal or a push for a NWO.
During this car travel time I was getting a large dose of Hot Talk 560KSFO. This was the station Rush was on, but there were two other talk show hosts that were seminal to my eventual (what I like to call) "wake up week."
One host was Geoff Metcalf. He was mostly awake and the program directors at KSFO eventually got rid of him because he was getting too close to the truth. One of my favorite quotes came from him. "Most people will not be confused by facts that contradict their preconceived opinions!"
The other host, unfortunately I cannot remember his name...but like Metcalf, he was openly talking about things that were too close to home. In fact KSFO got rid of him even before Metcalf.
One week in mid-1995, I was listening to this host (again, can't remember his name) and he had Jack McManus on his show and Jack was talking about a book he had recently written called, "The Insiders." Something about the book intrigued me and so I got the order phone number. I don't remember them discussing a NWO, or global government...but something they said intrigued me enough to want that book.
Later that week I saw THE movie that was the catalyst that began my "Awakening" journey. The movie was called "Amazing Grace and Chuck," starring Gregory Peck and Jaime Lee Curtis. This is my favorite movie of all time. I remember the exact line in the movie that changed my outlook on life and from that moment my life would NEVER be the same. You could say, what Jaime Lee said stripped my mind of my naive worldview virginity! She said, "This guys been stalking you...through me! Six Wednesdays Amazing! Guys like this make Presidents disappear!"
Literally, up until the very moment she said this to Amazing Grace, I never even imagined that there were people on the planet who were more powerful than the US President. But that line shattered my paradigm in that regard and the light bulb went on. Later that same week my world continued to shatter...
I called the phone number to order the book "The Insiders." It was being sold at a place called American Opinion Bookstore in Walnut Creek. This was not a real bookstore. It was a member of the John Birch Society selling the book out of his home office.
When I got to the house, I met a man who would become one of my closest friends and mentor...a man who had worked tirelessly since the early sixties trying to expose the NWO and get people elected to public office who were Constitutionalists. He's with Jesus now, but I will never forget the day we met...just a few days after hearing that line from Jaime Lee Curtis. I met Jerry in his home office. Before he sold me the book, he told me a story...a story that directly dove tailed with that line from "Amazing Grace and Chuck." Very powerful men were at work in the shadows to destroy our country and usher in a NWO! These men had made Presidents disappear...or translated...ended their lives! Again, the light in my mind became even brighter. "Puzzle pieces were beginning to fit into place"...as Jerry was known for saying.
Since that week, I have not been able to keep my mouth shut about the problem. In fact it had a part to play in why my wife left me in 1998. After reading large portions of The Creature From Jekyll Island, I cannot tell you how many people I tried to share the information from that book with. Of course back then, everyone laughed at me, shunned me, and I lost a lot of friends because not only was I a Jesus freak, now I was a Conspiracy Theorist as well. It was too much for most, even my wife. Like I said, part of her decision...years later she shared with me...was based on the fact I couldn't shut up about what I was learning in that time period. I just wanted to solve the problem and I truly believed and still believe that if enough people wake up the NWO Cabal will not be able to handle the light of truth being shined on them!
Those early days seem so long ago and it's quite weird living now and seeing much of what I feared would happen so many years ago proving to be true. I never believed...not for a second...that the problem (Cabal and NWO) would be solved in the voting booth. Even back then it was way past that time...contrary to what the Birch Society has always taught and still teach.
I pray for our nation and for those who seek truth with their whole hearts. The only real solution to what our nation faces is Jesus Christ and exposure of the Truth. I know this sounds like a cliche' but most cliches are just that because they are true.
I pray...as do many on this site...that DJT will be the catalyst Jesus uses to finally bring this evil world under the light of a truly Gospel driven Theocracy and the wicked Cabal will finally be crushed!
If any of you get the chance, rent the movie "Amazing Grace and Chuck." Great movie with an incredible message!
I became a "Born Again" believer when I was nine. I was the only Christian in my family...literally. My dad used to call me a Jesus freak. I start my rant this way for 2 reasons...first, to point out how serious I was/am about my faith and second, to point out that most of my life I have had a Biblical worldview.
By my senior year in high school (1983) I knew something was seriously wrong with our country...but didn't understand what or why I felt that way. I guess I figured it was just because I was a "Conservative Christian" living in the very liberal city of SF. Again, I was coming from a solidly Biblical worldview, but had zero concept of a NWO. However, this Biblical worldview formed the basis for what would allow my mind and spirit to grasp what I would learn in one week in 1995.
Fast forward to my first year of marriage (1995). This was a pivotal year for me. This year changed my life forever.
It was during this time I was steeped in Conservative thought reading the "Conservative Chronicle" and listening to Rush Limbaugh constantly. I was a corporate pilot/manager for a large garbage company in the Bay Area and much of my time was spent traveling between city offices in my company owned Chevy El Camino. Man, I miss that car and the hours of Conservative radio I listened to. But again, I will highlight the fact that at this point I knew nothing of a Cabal or a push for a NWO.
During this car travel time I was getting a large dose of Hot Talk 560KSFO. This was the station Rush was on, but there were two other talk show hosts that were seminal to my eventual (what I like to call) "wake up week."
One host was Geoff Metcalf. He was mostly awake and the program directors at KSFO eventually got rid of him because he was getting too close to the truth. One of my favorite quotes came from him. "Most people will not be confused by facts that contradict their preconceived opinions!"
The other host, unfortunately I cannot remember his name...but like Metcalf, he was openly talking about things that were too close to home. In fact KSFO got rid of him even before Metcalf.
One week in mid-1995, I was listening to this host (again, can't remember his name) and he had Jack McManus on his show and Jack was talking about a book he had recently written called, "The Insiders." Something about the book intrigued me and so I got the order phone number. I don't remember them discussing a NWO, or global government...but something they said intrigued me enough to want that book.
Later that week I saw THE movie that was the catalyst that began my "Awakening" journey. The movie was called "Amazing Grace and Chuck," starring Gregory Peck and Jaime Lee Curtis. This is my favorite movie of all time. I remember the exact line in the movie that changed my outlook on life and from that moment my life would NEVER be the same. You could say, what Jaime Lee said stripped my mind of my naive worldview virginity! She said, "This guys been stalking you...through me! Six Wednesdays Amazing! Guys like this make Presidents disappear!"
Literally, up until the very moment she said this to Amazing Grace, I never even imagined that there were people on the planet who were more powerful than the US President. But that line shattered my paradigm in that regard and the light bulb went on. Later that same week my world continued to shatter...
I called the phone number to order the book "The Insiders." It was being sold at a place called American Opinion Bookstore in Walnut Creek. This was not a real bookstore. It was a member of the John Birch Society selling the book out of his home office.
When I got to the house, I met a man who would become one of my closest friends and mentor...a man who had worked tirelessly since the early sixties trying to expose the NWO and get people elected to public office who were Constitutionalists. He's with Jesus now, but I will never forget the day we met...just a few days after hearing that line from Jaime Lee Curtis. I met Jerry in his home office. Before he sold me the book, he told me a story...a story that directly dove tailed with that line from "Amazing Grace and Chuck." Very powerful men were at work in the shadows to destroy our country and usher in a NWO! These men had made Presidents disappear...or translated...ended their lives! Again, the light in my mind became even brighter. "Puzzle pieces were beginning to fit into place"...as Jerry was known for saying.
Since that week, I have not been able to keep my mouth shut about the problem. In fact it had a part to play in why my wife left me in 1998. After reading large portions of The Creature From Jekyll Island, I cannot tell you how many people I tried to share the information from that book with. Of course back then, everyone laughed at me, shunned me, and I lost a lot of friends because not only was I a Jesus freak, now I was a Conspiracy Theorist as well. It was too much for most, even my wife. Like I said, part of her decision...years later she shared with me...was based on the fact I couldn't shut up about what I was learning in that time period. I just wanted to solve the problem and I truly believed and still believe that if enough people wake up the NWO Cabal will not be able to handle the light of truth being shined on them!
Those early days seem so long ago and it's quite weird living now and seeing much of what I feared would happen so many years ago proving to be true. I never believed...not for a second...that the problem (Cabal and NWO) would be solved in the voting booth. Even back then it was way past that time...contrary to what the Birch Society has always taught and still teach.
I pray for our nation and for those who seek truth with their whole hearts. The only real solution to what our nation faces is Jesus Christ and exposure of the Truth. I know this sounds like a cliche' but most cliches are just that because they are true.
I pray...as do many on this site...that DJT will be the catalyst Jesus uses to finally bring this evil world under the light of a truly Gospel driven Theocracy and the wicked Cabal will finally be crushed!
If any of you get the chance, rent the movie "Amazing Grace and Chuck." Great movie with an incredible message!
Thanks for sharing your story with us, Fren!🙏🏻
Thanks for reading...sorry it was so long...