Until you come to the truth of God's Word, you are still in the dark. And with it, none of what we see is the least bit shocking. Not one thing the world is witnessing was not explained by God. Every bit is a repeat and has been pulled before. Because there is nothing new under the sun. Same devil. Adjust his methods to the times amd seasons, but the same damnable lies and goal. To separate God and His people. Entire denominations were fabricated just for this reason. There is only one body people. THE body of Christ made of of born again believers.
Until you come to the truth of God's Word, you are still in the dark. And with it, none of what we see is the least bit shocking. Not one thing the world is witnessing was not explained by God. Every bit is a repeat and has been pulled before. Because there is nothing new under the sun. Same devil. Adjust his methods to the times amd seasons, but the same damnable lies and goal. To separate God and His people. Entire denominations were fabricated just for this reason. There is only one body people. THE body of Christ made of of born again believers.