I was at a gathering lastnight and I met someone who is also based. We are in a small town in the flyover states.
We all got to talking about covid, and told us a story about how he was in a nearby community one afternoon about the time covid was showing up in NY. He said he heard a hum and looked up and saw a formation of about adozen drones flying inaV formation about 500 feet high, and there was a vapor mist of some sort coming out from behind them. He didn't think much of it, but in the next few weeks covid was quickly spreading across the country, so in hindsight he wondered if the Deep State used drones to spread it.
So, that was his story. There is no evidence ofhis story. This is not an instance of "trust me, bro" . Instead I am wondering if anyone recalls something similar? (Obviously even if several Anons say yes, that is not evidence). So, just an anecdote, and am wondering if anyone has a similar story.
I saw unusual drone activity in my urban area in 2020 around when covid first landed. Didn't see them spraying anything, just hovering in weird places.
Unusual in this case means bigger (bigger than a backpack and quite loud) quad-copter drones hovering over the middle of a busy street (4 lanes each way busy) for long periods of time. Multiple busy urban places over a few weeks, same drone style. FWIW.
Thanks. Really makes you wonder.