Well now you know why the CIA coined the phrase "conspiracy theory" to discredit those bringing attention to what's actually going on. The more shit I learn the more I like jumping on the trampoline with my nieces and taking my dog to the river. I went full atheist for many years until I discovered how sinister and dark this world is. Every giggle from those little girls painting my toenails and stick my dog swims out of the river with is a blessing.
Red pills are a curse in a sense, I know the evil lurking now but it woke me up to what should be protected. Don't let them win, educate those who seek truth and keep finding answers yourself but don't ever forget to pet a puppy or make a child laugh along your path in life. I find myself concentrated on sinister shit that makes me forget to give happiness to others.
Well now you know why the CIA coined the phrase "conspiracy theory" to discredit those bringing attention to what's actually going on. The more shit I learn the more I like jumping on the trampoline with my nieces and taking my dog to the river. I went full atheist for many years until I discovered how sinister and dark this world is. Every giggle from those little girls painting my toenails and stick my dog swims out of the river with is a blessing.
Yep. I’ve become a conspiracy therapist…
And I fail to get away from all this shit often and completely enough to destress. I need to take a lesson from you and make it happen more often.
Going down to the river whether with the dog or fishing is amazing therapy.
Red pills are a curse in a sense, I know the evil lurking now but it woke me up to what should be protected. Don't let them win, educate those who seek truth and keep finding answers yourself but don't ever forget to pet a puppy or make a child laugh along your path in life. I find myself concentrated on sinister shit that makes me forget to give happiness to others.