That is fantastic. But what are the circumstances of why they were missing? Were bunches of them discovered together or was this 32 different kidnappings?
No, most just left home for whatever reason and were found at friend, acquaintance or family houses. A few had returned home but parents did not call to report they had returned. I don't believe anyone was chatged with kidnapping in any case. But its nice they are home. Hopefully they dont run off again.
Meh. Well it’s great that they are home with parents who were probably out of their minds worrying about them. But that isn’t the big expose I was hoping for. Boo!
that is amazing. Thank you to all you worked so hard to recover these missing children. Makes my heart happy. God Bless the children.
That is fantastic. But what are the circumstances of why they were missing? Were bunches of them discovered together or was this 32 different kidnappings?
No, most just left home for whatever reason and were found at friend, acquaintance or family houses. A few had returned home but parents did not call to report they had returned. I don't believe anyone was chatged with kidnapping in any case. But its nice they are home. Hopefully they dont run off again.
Meh. Well it’s great that they are home with parents who were probably out of their minds worrying about them. But that isn’t the big expose I was hoping for. Boo!
It's good to know that such success is possible when those searching are dedicated to getting results. This should happen all over the country.