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The article excerpted below is about Dr. Jernigan's Biologix Center for Optimum Health, https://biologixcenter.com and specifically his Induced Native Phage Therapy.

The Center also uses a wide range of other therapies and specializes in treating chronic illnesses such as Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, gut issues, and so on.

. . . LE: Can you explain this therapy in greater detail? How are your phages delivered to the patient?

Dr. Jernigan: Instead of introducing phages into your body, as in conventional phage therapy, Induced Native Phage Therapy is an oral liquid solution that carries the complex signals to induce the aid of monovalent or polyvalent phages that already live in your body to target and kill just the type of infection your doctor is treating. When the phages are successful, the targeted bacterial population can be completely eliminated within 24-48 hours in recently acquired infections and within days to weeks in deep-seated infections.

Research shows that phages can even kill the bacteria inside cells and those hiding behind biofilms.

These formulations are packaged in individually sealed glass, sterile ampules, so there is no chemical agent or preservative in the formulation. The ampules come packaged with a tiny straw so you can break off the top of the ampule, insert the straw and sip out the individual dose, swish on the teeth and swallow. Most often doctors recommend taking one ampule twice a day in a naturally clean mouth. The formulation only acts on the specific native phages that would naturally be able to infect the specific infection being targeted. These liquid formulations are called InducenTM formulas, of which there are 14 different illness-specific products. Each Inducen TM formula contains induction signatures for all the typical microbes commonly associated with the illness. For instance, the Inducen-LD/RF formulation, which was formulated for people who have recent or treatment-resistant Lyme disease or Relapsing Fever illness, targets about 90 different types of microbes commonly seen in these illnesses, since there are often many co-infections and opportunistic infections that take advantage of a person's weakened condition. This formulation has all of the many types of Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonella strains and many other types of commonly seen co-infections all in one formulation. In our research, with over 100,000 doses given to very sick and sensitive cases, we have had no reported adverse effects from these new InducenTM remedies. However, maintaining a good detox program is still recommended to help the body with any heavy metals and other toxins released from the dead microbes.

LE: Are there side effects or risks to this phage therapy?

Dr. Jernigan: In over 100,000 doses given, there have been no reported adverse effects! Induced Native Phage Therapy is completely non-toxic and non-allergenic. We are not putting new phages into the patient, so there is no immune response against them. The signals contained in the oral supplement that activates the phages are essentially invisible to the immune system and regulatory aspects of the body.

LE: How did you get involved in researching phages? 

Dr. Jernigan: For almost three decades, I specialized in treating people who were considered chronically ill or incurable. Seeing only the toughest cases forced me to innovate new ways of testing and treating.

Beyond my patients, my muse was my wife, who had been sick from birth. For all my efforts, I could not get her completely well. I began reading innumerable books and peer-reviewed science articles about phages. I also developed a technology called Biospectral Emission Sequence testing, which enables a doctor to sequence electromagnetic signatures to determine where a problem is arising, what is causing it, and how to enable the body to fix it. I used this technology to develop a way to stimulate native phages to target and eliminate specific bacteria. Induced Native Phage Therapy turned my wife's life around and has done the same for many of my patients. 

LE: How did you know this new phage therapy worked?

Dr. Jernigan: To be successful, the phages need to eliminate the targeted bacteria. To validate Induced Native Phage Therapy, I did a study using the Phelix Borrelia-Phage test, a phage-based bacterial lab testing, by R.E.D. Laboratories in Belgium. This test has a high sensitivity for the Borrelia infections that cause Lyme disease or relapsing fever. The results were published in a peer-reviewed article in 2021. Induced Native Phage Therapy was able to wipe out 100% of Borrelia strains in 92% of patients.4

LE: What potential do you see for Induced Native Phage Therapy?

Dr. Jernigan: We have already gone way beyond targeting bacterial infections. We can target every type of microbe, including mold, yeast, mycobacteria, mycoplasma, parasites, and even viruses, since within the healthy human body there are bacteriophages, mycophages, and virophages. Induced Native Phage Therapy can address many infections at once and be used in the toughest multi-drug-resistant infections.

LE: What specific conditions do you treat with Induced Native Phage Therapy?

Dr. Jernigan: At the Biologix Center, we see virtually any illness no one else can figure out. Many patients have musculoskeletal or neuromuscular symptoms ranging from pain syndromes to metabolic issues. With our multi-disciplinary approach, we have developed programs of care that I call Synergy Healing. Synergy Healing is combining a wide range of synergistic treatments and therapies to address everything we can find that has gone wrong in a person's body. From this treatment philosophy, illness by any name/diagnosis can have the best chance of being eliminated by the only thing that can ever heal you, your body.

We see many people with symptoms from a wide range of previously diagnosed named conditions, such as Lyme disease, vaccine-injury illnesses, thyroid issues, pain syndromes, heart and circulatory problems, and the list could go on forever. We are never intimidated by the fact that a person has already exhausted all medical and natural options, since most of the world in medicine is practicing from the same rule book. We get to win more cases because of our testing and treatment innovations and our treatment philosophy. The patient's body is the carpenter. The remedies and treatments are the tools and information that the carpenter must use to do the repair and restoration. Even phage therapy is just a tool in the toolbox of the doctor. However, now the task of your health care team is to help the body heal the many areas that have been damaged by the infections…only then will true, lasting health be achieved. I would recommend your readers go to my website and read the article, "Phages: Setting Healthy Expectations."5

Every chronic illness has what I call Multi-Microbial Activation Syndrome (MMAS). Many people like to think of an illness as being caused by one type of infection, but with Biospectral Emission Sequence testing we can see that there are many different microbes at the same time acting out in cases of chronic illness of any type.

LE: What's a typical treatment like?

Dr. Jernigan: A typical program is two weeks of all-inclusive care. The patient is in the clinic for four to six hours every day seeing the doctor and doing therapies. After that, the patient is given customized formulas and supplements to continue healing at home, with virtual doctor consultations in case they need to return or if the doctor needs to modify what a person is taking. The goal is to get a person to where they don't need to take anything to manage symptoms, since the causes of their illness are gone.

LE: Will Induced Native Phage Therapy be widely available to physicians?

Dr. Jernigan: Yes, there are already a dozen broad-spectrum but targeted phage formulations we call Inducen Formulations. The plan is to get these in the hands of healthcare professionals by the end of 2024.
