Someone pointed out that if you're going to build an Air Force base, do the runway & tower last. That way after you get the cost over runs for the Rec Center, Officer's Lounge and other non-critical items and run out of project money, you can tell your local congress critter "Hey, we'd like to finish it, but we haven't even gotten the runway & tower in and we're out of money! Should we just stop now??". Something tells me if you start looking back through all of the projects with this perspective, you'll see who's been skimming our funds.
Someone pointed out that if you're going to build an Air Force base, do the runway & tower last. That way after you get the cost over runs for the Rec Center, Officer's Lounge and other non-critical items and run out of project money, you can tell your local congress critter "Hey, we'd like to finish it, but we haven't even gotten the runway & tower in and we're out of money! Should we just stop now??". Something tells me if you start looking back through all of the projects with this perspective, you'll see who's been skimming our funds.