posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +26 / -1

The story of the debate is ABC showing their blatant bias in favor of Kamala, and weaponized their “fact-checks” solely at Trump. They let Kamala lie unchecked about everything from the Project 2025 hoax, to the Charlottesville hoax, and everything in between. The ABC moderators showed a clear and obvious hostility towards Trump, that they did not show towards Kamala, and in many cases, teed Kamala up to bash Trump with prepared talking points.

It is now abundantly clear why Kamala refused to accept the debate on Fox News, because her campaign knew she would receive preferential treatment on ABC.

Kamala also was well-rehearsed, which is unlike her, almost as if she had the questions given to her ahead of time. If ABC were willing to be adversarial towards Trump, why would they stop there? Why wouldn’t they give Kamala the questions?

ABC (Disney) just confirmed on national TV, that they are in bed with the DNC, and given their war-like posture towards Trump, I think it’s safe to assume Kamala’s campaign were made aware of the questions before hand.

With all that being said, Trump got the viral moments of the night, stuck to his gameplan, and brushed off the endless lies and repeated attacks, from both Kamala and the moderators. Kamala’s optics were terrible, with her constant smirking, making faces, emotional responses, and monotone phony tone. And Trump refused to let her get her viral moment.

Kamala’s gameplan was to appear more moderate, and blame Trump for all the problems she and Biden created over the last 4 years, but anyone who has been paying attention saw this for what it was.

Given Kamala held her own and did not implode, we can expect the compromised MSM to claim Kamala won, and the headlines will be about Trump talking about Haitians eating pets. However, the viral internet clips will belong to Trump.

Overall, Kamala did not gain any ground, Trump put on a solid performance, and the public got to see the MSM are clearly engaged in election interference in favor of the Dems. Net positive for Trump.

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It’s wild how low the bar is for Kamala.

Blue voters are so used to having a candidate that can’t complete a sentence, that Kamala just had to not have dementia, and they’d call it a victory.

She didn’t outline her policy at all.

Easily impressed clapping seals. 😂

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It’s unfortunate that ABC’s election interference overshadowed the debate, because Kamala admitted some alarming things last night.

She admitted that she wants to continue the war against Russia, no matter what, in the name of “democracy”.

Trump wants to end the war, while Kamala and the establishment want to continue to steal hundreds of billions of our tax dollars, for a war none of us want, on the other side of the world, against a nuclear superpower, due to a conflict that our CIA started back in 2014.

We could argue policy all day long, but frankly, this is the only one we need. Kamala is pushing for WW3 with a nuclear superpower, while Trump wants to resolve the situation with diplomacy. Also, the reason why everything costs so much, is because our dollar is inflated, because the establishment keep spending and printing money we do not have, to fund nearly every conflict around the globe, while they line their pockets.

Kamala wants to keep the Ukrainian laundry mat open for her war-machine donors to continue laundering all of our money. And soon as the soldiers in Ukraine die out, they will be sending us next.

A vote for Kamala is a vote for WW3.

  • Clandestine