Like many of you I watched the entire debate. kamala pissed me off quite a bit. All of the blatant lies were so frustrating to sit through. I thought Trump did well considering moderators and lies. But, I realize I am biased and tried to put myself in the shoes of a low information voter. I was hopeful that they would see she was fake and lying, but thought many would be fooled.
Anyway on to the positives.
I have a friend that hates Trump, took the jab and one booster. I have been red pilling him for some time now. Biden's debate woke him up a little more. When I saw him today, I thought he would think it was a draw at best. However, to my surprise he said he thought Trump was much better. I think he may even be to the point of voting for him.
My son is in college, he and a group watched the debate in the dorms, after the debate he was unsure who won, but knew kamala lied continually. He was like me, he thought Trump won, but wasn't sure what everyone else would think. This morning he watched Vivek discuss the debate and researched many kamala lies on his own. He now thinks Trump won for sure. I told him it is always a good thing to do your own research, so proud of him that he did just that.
My conclusion:
There is zero chance the debate hurt Trump at all, the leftist media is gaslighting us in hopes some can be convinced. But, once on the Trump train his supporters stay loyal. Not b/c he can do no wrong, but for the fact that we all realize he is nation's our last chance.
Trump doesn't lose voters, he gains them. He gained millions between 2016 and 2020, he will gain many millions more in 2024.
I do think Trump won the debate, but I don't see it as a slam dunk, or that it moved the needle among undecided voters. Trump made a lot of missteps and missed a lot of opportunities - he really does need better debate coaching. And maybe it won't matter - Cackles is doing such a horrible job anyway and the election will probably come down to being litigated like it was in Bush V Gore.
1: Trump let himself get sucked into arguing a bunch of pointless shit. Example: Cackles claimed his rallies were boring, people leaving early etc. He hit her back with the fact they had to bus people in and pay them. Good so far. But then he began bloviating about how great his rallies were, etc. This happened over many topics. Trump let himself be baited by her, precisely what they wanted.
2: Trump didn't deal with the "moderators" effectively. In 2016 they tried that "tag team" crap with Shrillary. Trump totally slammed them. "I thought it was HER job to debate me, not yours". And then he took them to the woodshed in front of millions of viewers.
3: Some of the bullshit topics dragged on for way too long, Trump should have refused to engage. The worst part was 20+ minutes on MuH bOrShunz. Trump should have just said his peace and not dragged it out, instead of letting it go on for as long as it did. Team Cackles is desperate to reframe the election about Borshunz to distract from inflation, the border, and crime. Trump again let himself get sucked into it.
Cackles was plain awful. She sounded like they gave her the questions ahead of time and she was just reading off a script. When she wasn't speaking she did a lot of stupid head bobbing, nervous tics, and fake smiles. What she said was a bunch of twaddle ("Trump only cares about billionaires", "MUh pRojict 2025", "very fine paople", blah blah).
But I think Trump did miss an opportunity to move the needle among swing voters and undecideds. Hopefully next debate he's more on point and sharper.
After reading your comment, I wonder if Trump's tactic of changing topics was to put Kmala on the spot having to answer on a topic she didn't have 'in advance' for which to prepare her canned response. Everyone knows she cannot think on her feet - getting her to talk about an outside topic would have really exposed her ineptitude.