Totally lame and very well could be fake. They never show the basics like opening hatch, closing hatch and they barely went outside. Here is a budget version of the same thing....
Thanks u/Rotor. Even though this clearly shows the man reaching up and touching the edge of space I am pretty sure it is fake. Most people's arms aren't long enough to reach that far.
Totally lame and very well could be fake. They never show the basics like opening hatch, closing hatch and they barely went outside. Here is a budget version of the same thing....,smart
Watch the spacex livestream ffs
Thanks u/Rotor. Even though this clearly shows the man reaching up and touching the edge of space I am pretty sure it is fake. Most people's arms aren't long enough to reach that far.
So... it wasn’t worth following to watch live. Boosters landing on a ship in the sea is much more interesting IMO...
I expected them to at least do what Ed White did in 1965, almost 60 years ago...