Is there anyway to share that through nitter so some of us that aren’t on X can see the comments? My account is banned on X and I haven’t been able to get back on there after many appeals. I’d love to be able to read the comments and see the evidence because I have lefty friends who are trying to say it’s fake news and I want to shove it in their face.
Here are some funny tweets for this
Read the comments in the TMZ tweet. People are tearing TMZ to shreds and providing evidence.
Is there anyway to share that through nitter so some of us that aren’t on X can see the comments? My account is banned on X and I haven’t been able to get back on there after many appeals. I’d love to be able to read the comments and see the evidence because I have lefty friends who are trying to say it’s fake news and I want to shove it in their face.
Now that's a ratio I can get behind!
Saw that.