SOROS OWNS the liberal/communists in OUR HOUSE and Senate. Never pretend that a single 'democrat' ( and some reps) in Congress is a Public servant of The American People. Every Public servant in Congress has already stated out loud that they support The Trump party, which Is The party of The People. This is not complicated.
In the USA we are supposed to have a 3 party government. How is it even constitutional to just cut out one of those parties? Well, then on the other hand, Executive orders have been cutting out 2 parties pretty regularly now, so there is that. (well, those two parties haven't been representing us anyway!)
SOROS OWNS the liberal/communists in OUR HOUSE and Senate. Never pretend that a single 'democrat' ( and some reps) in Congress is a Public servant of The American People. Every Public servant in Congress has already stated out loud that they support The Trump party, which Is The party of The People. This is not complicated.
The majority of Congressis either blackmailed or owned y lobbyists or both.
Too fucking bad. That's not how it works.
In the USA we are supposed to have a 3 party government. How is it even constitutional to just cut out one of those parties? Well, then on the other hand, Executive orders have been cutting out 2 parties pretty regularly now, so there is that. (well, those two parties haven't been representing us anyway!)
...that is what they were "paid" to do...
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