Yeah I remember when "anti-vaxx" was a left winger thing. Seeing them all hop onto the jab push bandwagon was a massive redpill for me. Another redpill was finding out that people just 5 years younger than me where getting subjected to 10x as many as I've ever had.
They used to be against corporations taking over society, anntiwar, and the against the elites too. Now they’re practically the corporate apologists militia. And frothing at the mouth war hawks.
Yeah I remember when "anti-vaxx" was a left winger thing. Seeing them all hop onto the jab push bandwagon was a massive redpill for me. Another redpill was finding out that people just 5 years younger than me where getting subjected to 10x as many as I've ever had.
They used to be against corporations taking over society, anntiwar, and the against the elites too. Now they’re practically the corporate apologists militia. And frothing at the mouth war hawks.
Money printer go brrrr!!