posted ago by PlayingGoFish ago by PlayingGoFish +17 / -0

Trump has a running graphic of the illegals that have been brought into the country. The conservative estimate is 20M+ have been brought in. These individuals are mainly in the demographic of military aged men - 18 yo - 29 yo men.

It is reported that Springfield, Ohio has about 20K Haitian illegals. I recently watched a video where someone was interviewing the citizens and Haitians about eating cats. The Haitians in that video are in line with the theorized demographic numbers, all military aged men.

The population of Springfield Ohio is 58K. The estimated population of 18-29 yo's in that county is less than 2% (e.g. 1500 people). If that number concerns you, be prepared because its by design for this theory.

Springfield is part of Clark county, a Trump dominated county which voted 60% for Trump in 2020.

My theory is that certain counties that were the most rigged in the 2020 election have been flooded with illegals. These illegals are being strategically placed to corral any uprising that may come up when they steal 2024.

I posted earlier about a fictional novel that ChatGPT created where a country that was rigged by communist takeover would use their powers to continue to control the population with force. Even in the best case scenario the country cannot be taken back especially when those in power will continue to use their full force to squash any resistance that would attempt to rise up. Factor in you have an army of illegals who are living all around you and outnumber your active demographic of those most likely fit enough to start a rebellion and you see a very very bleak future.

The deep state has played their plan well - these people arent stupid. The grass roots movement that Q created doesnt win this war with an awakened population where that population faces a force that outnumbers them 10+ to 1 in area's that have been pinned by the deep state as strategic areas where resistance may exist.

Grandpa and Grandma are going to need to be active with their sons as we arent going to take back this nation without them.