More claims that the Haitian’s eating pets is fake. Is it possible we’ve been psyoped along with Trump? If there’s a plan here I believe in no coincidences. So what’s the deal with this whole story?
🧠 These people are stupid!

So just because this guy says that and wheres the article from the Ohio Wildlife. Also is Ohio Wildlife corrupt like so many other organizations.
Wheres the proof he is not Haitian. As a matter of fact wheres the proof of anything in his entire post.
The women who said her cat went missing and she saw it hanging in her Haitian nabors yard also other people who have claimed to have seen cats on BBQs what about them. Also the cop whose body cam everyone saw ok maybe she wasnt illegal but she was Haitian.
There have been many people who claim their pets are disappearing what about them.
I think for Trump to say it he knows something because he is not just going to come up with something from a meme and call it true.
Instead of putting peoples opinions on here such as this post investigate and find the real problem.