posted ago by Smellorama ago by Smellorama +22 / -0


"Stupid" is the greatest threat to mankind and to democracy that we as a global community must face every day.

We are pledging to reduce the "Stupid" in the population by 38.2% by 2030 and completely eliminate all "Stupid" by the year 2045.

These are lofty goals to be sure, but by working together we can achieve the unachievable if we strive to make these achievements our goals to achieve. (Derp.)

So take a "Stupid" under your wing today. Slap 'em a couple of times and remind them to turn off the "Auto Pilot" and turn on their "Noodle."

If that doesn't get it done then you can call the "Stupid Squad" and we'll put them in the town stocks for a few days to induce the rational thought process.

Together we can change the world.
