US debt clock - Justice is Coming - Aquarius and “Hold, hold, hold the line.” Braveheart
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Here we go again.
I’m about to go to bed. I can only give you this for now.
I’ll be back tomorrow to dig into this.
Will be ready. “We’re on the same team”. quote or paraphrase from Emily to Sylvie from “Emily in Paris” ____ Mark has the most solar symbolism if I understand correctly. Mark 14:13 and Luke 22:10 have the story where Yeshua or Yahoshua tells his disciples to enter the house of the man carrying the water pitcher —-> equivalent character in the heavens Aquarius.____ I would encourage you to approach the idea of a Creator God not as “love and obey me or else be damned” but as a Creator who fashioned and shaped the universe, visited in occasion (Abraham, Isaac, Joshua, some of the prophets and possibly as Yeshua / Yahoshua). ____ James and Paul volleyed in their letters against each other if the story line in Acts is correct, that Paul opposed the Pillars (James, Peter and John). 3 guys usually don’t write letters opposing each other’s ideas (Peter and James vs. Paul) over a fictional character. ____ If I wrote a book about the presidency of Peter Hammond: 1988 and how great his policies were, and then someone else wrote a book saying how terrible his policies as president were in 1988, and then someone else wrote a book about “Peter Hammond’s Presidency 1988: Mediocre” — we know that would be ludicrous (actor Peter Hammond was not President— shhh!!! don’t let others know! and shhhhh! don’t let others know that Zelensky is not president of Ukraine, his term expired!)____ What would your thoughts be about a historical character 2,000 years ago be, a character whose biographies were embellished after a couple of decades passed to fit the Hero story line, yet he still existed?
US debt clock for Sept. 15, 2024 ____ Proverbs 21:15 “ When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” (ESV) ____ The path of light, or trajectory of the sun is across the eye of Aquarius the water-bearer as he floods the Old World oppressive order and we move toward justice. ____ Hold the line!— Wiiliam Wallace Braveheart and “Hold your course” — Captain James T. Kirk Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan transcript ____ typo in the picture “fist tail” meant to be “fish tail” as the “sea goat” in mythology was a sea creature, but the tail is held in Aquarius’s fist, so the quote still “works” Editcloth held, not the sea-goat’s tail, per solarsavior’s comments observation, and Aquarius’ is above another fish, not a goose or san
The image used by usdebtclock is from M. J. Fortin’s Atlas Celeste de Flamsteed, published 1776. (thus the date of the image matches the start of America)
The start of the Age of Aquarius is up for debate as there is no clear date for such. Dates differ by hundreds of years; depending on the source. If the folks at usdebtclock believe that the Age of Aquarius started this year, then they should have posted this at the time of the vernal equinox (March 19 for this year) when age determination would be made. Still, the changing of our money would start a new "age" as far as the people are concerned.
Edit: Speaking of the change of money.
I always thought it odd that candidate Trump was introduced to the public on that now famous “golden escalator”. Look closely though. Hidden in plain sight behind Donald and Melania are the words “CURRENCY EXCHANGE”.
Aquarius is NOT holding the tail of Capricorn. Depending on the source, Aquarius is holding a cloth to cover himself in his left hand as is in this graphic, Aquarius holding nothing in his left hand, or Aquarius holding a ruler in his left hand.
In the graphic for Aquarius, you will see a rod, stick, ruler, something in his left hand which is labeled as "Norma Nilotica"'s_Mirror-_Aquarius,Piscis_Australis&_Ballon_Aerostatique.jpg
So why did the folks at usdebtclock post this? Here's my best bet. Aquarius pours water into the mouth of the Southern Fish or Piscis Austrinus. You can see the fish at the bottom of their post with "1776" on it. However, in their graphic you see the water apparently passing through "THEFT" which is an old map of Europe (which I could not find) behind bars. In essence, this "THEFT" would be "cleaned out" as in Hercules cleaning out the Augean Stables by flushing it with water.
great analysis, thanks for corrections
Spelled HODL wrong.
+1, audio song to go with the symbology and theme