there was a point i needed facebook around 2012 or so because it was where my circle of people i made music with all connected thru, but also because I moved - so, it was how i kept in touch with the people back home. today? I mean... its more the latter. Sad to say, alot of those dudes in the music i mentioned were part of that wave that took out alot of young hiphop artists because they became pharmaceutical addicts then fentanyl lacing happened and it was over. 3 of them in total, all under the legal age to buy a beer.
Just from my little fb friend group. Not exactly on topic but it's one head of the hydra that is the war we as Americans are fighting.
They're destroying all communities. Sure, the drug is different.... the soccer mom taking a xanax with her wine isn't the same as the dude smoking meth behind the walmart....or the "business man" snorting cocaine isnt the guy drinking cheap alcohol out of a paper bag. but.....
I never had x until a few months ago. It does seam to be getting better in that short time.
I don't have Facebook and I only talk stonks and silver on reddit,
there was a point i needed facebook around 2012 or so because it was where my circle of people i made music with all connected thru, but also because I moved - so, it was how i kept in touch with the people back home. today? I mean... its more the latter. Sad to say, alot of those dudes in the music i mentioned were part of that wave that took out alot of young hiphop artists because they became pharmaceutical addicts then fentanyl lacing happened and it was over. 3 of them in total, all under the legal age to buy a beer.
Just from my little fb friend group. Not exactly on topic but it's one head of the hydra that is the war we as Americans are fighting.
Drugs are just destroying some communities.
They're destroying all communities. Sure, the drug is different.... the soccer mom taking a xanax with her wine isn't the same as the dude smoking meth behind the walmart....or the "business man" snorting cocaine isnt the guy drinking cheap alcohol out of a paper bag. but.....
No community is "drug free"