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President Trump to visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Pennsylvania with President of Poland

Former President Donald Trump is set to visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township on Sunday, September 22 ... President Duda is visiting the US next week for the United Nations General Assembly in New York City ...

On the heels of Trump's wishing Mary a happy birthday on Truth, he is now planning a visit to a major Marian shrine.

Honouring Mary seems wierd to many Protestants, but think: Jesus follows His own 10 Commandments and honours His Father and His Mother. In the Bible we see the mother of the Davidic kings held a prominent role; so, it is not unreasonable that the mother of THE Davidic King par excellence holds an important role in the Heavenly Kingdom of her Son.

This visit by Trump is very significant on a spiritual level.