A few days ago I posted that the Teamsters are polling their members to see who they should support for president. This is the result of that poll.

Yes, exactly. I think there needs to be something like another stolen election to put a stop to this movie. Without a major event like a stolen election, if the normies (along with everyone else) find out that the Military (and to a lesser degree PDJT) were in control, they will wonder why it was allowed to go for so long. The slolen election needing to happen to trap all of the criminals can be used as somewhat of an excuse for the movie lasting for the whole “Biden” presidency. Otherwise if it just stops without a major event, the Military and Trump may lose support when they find out that the Biden administration was basically fake.
This whole thing has honestly never made much sense to me. I get a headache trying to understand some of this stuff.
The 2020 election was both stolen and the WHs were in control and we deliberately lost/"let" the liberals steal the election because it was supposed to wake the normies up to see how sketchy liberals are.
But even though we know that the 2020 election was allowed to be stolen, because that was part of the plan all along, and it had to be that way, (and we're reminded often that it had to be that way) we are still furious that the liberals stole the election, even though that is what was supposed to happen all along.
But at the same time, Trump is secretly still the President and/or the CIC. But the country going to shit with inflation and crime and the border was because Biden is a terrible President, but also probably not the President. Maybe.
And even though we lost 2020, or whatever it was that happened there, in order to wake up the normies, the normies are still not awake, so we'll need to let the liberals steal 2024.
And by letting them steal 2024, it will show everyone how sketchy the liberals are. Again.
So...yeah. I have a migraine now.
A lot of people have woken up. The steal had to happen in order to take down nazi ukraine and the coming draining of israel deep state. This can't happen under Trump as it'd be terrible optics.
This is the first time I've seen it claimed that the 2020 election was deliberately lost/stolen/allowed to be stolen in order to take down nazi Ukraine and the Israel DS.
I thought we were supposed to have a financial collapse where we went back to the gold standard, and we couldn't do that when Trump was president, because of bad optics.
Seems to be pretty important for Trump not to be involved in bad optics.
Also, is there any number or anything in mind concerning when enough normies will be considered woken up where we no longer have to wait around on them to wake up? How are we supposed to be determining that?
The precipice is coming soon. Expect massive a massive wake up.
Watch both of these clips:
Trump has hinted at this a few times.