“Bai lan”, or letting it rot, is a new movement sweeping through China. The term refers to young people refusing to make an effort in life because they have lost hope. Ken Fung, director of therapy and counselling at Jadis Blurton Family Development Centre in Hong Kong, spoke to Young Post about how this so-called “slacker mindset” could be a good way to set boundaries and shared a better, healthier alternative to letting it rot.
Such an attitude towards life is actually a response to a feeling of helplessness and indicates that teenagers are not rewarded enough for what they believe they have achieved,” Fung said. He explained that this makes them feel unmotivated and uninterested in what is happening around them, as they think nothing they do will change their lot in life.
While my initial reaction to this type of sentiment in the past would have been along the lines of typical generational banter like, these kids are spoiled, or soy boys, or man up etc - I think in this case, they're on point.
Think about how none can afford a house, work conditions are shit and the pay too low - no excitement or; incentive to pull them into their future. The hallmark of this movement is UNITY and solidarity - and that my friends is what makes ANY movement invincible.
The CCP pretty much put their boot on their necks with c19, and any young man would collect all that anger and rage and store it as fuel to strike when the time was right...They felt the ultimate betrayal and certainly not at all on equal footing as a comrade. I pray this is the catalyst to melt yet another failed communist experiment and parade it; n front of liberal white "democrats" aka commies with fantasies living in the free world.
It's impressive to see this being reported because the Chinese REALLY don't like airing their dirty laundry... it's just not done.
Another COVID 🪃 boomerang...
While my initial reaction to this type of sentiment in the past would have been along the lines of typical generational banter like, these kids are spoiled, or soy boys, or man up etc - I think in this case, they're on point.
Think about how none can afford a house, work conditions are shit and the pay too low - no excitement or; incentive to pull them into their future. The hallmark of this movement is UNITY and solidarity - and that my friends is what makes ANY movement invincible.
The CCP pretty much put their boot on their necks with c19, and any young man would collect all that anger and rage and store it as fuel to strike when the time was right...They felt the ultimate betrayal and certainly not at all on equal footing as a comrade. I pray this is the catalyst to melt yet another failed communist experiment and parade it; n front of liberal white "democrats" aka commies with fantasies living in the free world.
It's impressive to see this being reported because the Chinese REALLY don't like airing their dirty laundry... it's just not done.