‘If He Can Take a Bullet, I Can Write a Song’: ‘American Heart’ Singer/Songwriter Jon Kahn Releases Trump-Inspired ‘Fighter’
When Breitbart’s own singer/songwriter Jon Kahn sat down at the piano recently, he had one simple thought: What kind of man could withstand the relentless barrage of attacks that have been leveled at former President Donald Trump? The answer was as simple ...
I pulled it up on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr-EHcUPat4
got it on right now, I'm digging it. and apparently I was the view that made it 15,000 in 5 hours. Neat bender voice. kek
0 seconds ago "15,000 views" ima take a screenshot of that because it's kind of unusual to see the "000" usually its just k. i guess im literally the 15,000th listener. Hell yeah, Keep Fightin, Fighters (and frens) <3
Reply (edit: oops i forgot to cut the reply off the copy and paste of the comment. makes it sound like OBEY lmao. But, that's their game not ours.)
Love the song and video - Dan needs to snap it up and loop it into the playlist at the rally’s.
Thanks Irish! ☘️