Now this may concern many of us! Especially us on the west coast which most have Taiwan built Solar Panels. Luckily mine are Korean, but still it is most likely the semi-conductors which Taiwan makes most of them. Cause for a Heads Up my Frens. This could strike or at least scare a lot of people in the US and abroad.
Edit and additional thought: See Q-Post 111 & 142 about “something that could send 99% of us to a hospital.” Could that mean our electronic devices parts that come from Taiwan? We all have them, carry them, or are in/on our homes. This would make a lot of sense to that “multiple meaning” line in those 2 Q-Posts. And why would communications neeeeed to be brought down?!
Things that make me go hmmm! I don’t want to make us all paranoid my frens, but it’s something for us to reeally consider now and do some research into. This could become a big scare for sure if MSM begins to flood on it. Stay vigilant Anons.
It's literally all going to shit lately...
In fact, just this morning, someone blew up the men's room at Wawa...
How long were you at Wawa? I smell a rat…wait, that’s not rat
Name checks out 💩😂😂😂
It'd have to be a dire emergency for me to pinch a loaf at Wawa...
It's not uncommon for my internal dialogue, catching the vile smell of stranger's shit particles in the air on the way to a urinal to be like, "Jesus... What in the hell are these people eating??? Possum burritos? That mofo needs a doctor...or an exorcist!"
Seriously... WTF are these people eating??!!
It’s not just what they’re eating, it how long it’s been festering inside. They are truly giving birth to a new lifeform.
These guys that crap at Wawa haven’t taken a dump in 2 weeks and all of a sudden when they walk into the door at a restaurant or grocery store the contractions start.
As a regular guy, i tend to forget how many people are literally full of shit...😂