posted ago by valley-lily ago by valley-lily +28 / -0

We all know this election is not going to be "normal," so what's your craziest ideas of what could happen?

In no particular order here are some things I think could happen:

  1. WWIII starts
  2. Another "pandemic"/lockdown
  3. Kamala is kicked out for another different candidate, my guess is Michael (Michelle) Obama, or maybe Gavin Newsom
  4. Continued assassination attempts on Trump, JD Vance, and/or their families
  5. Biden can no longer perform his duties as president, so Kamala takes over for the last couple of months
  6. Economy/Dollar crashes, the worst in recorded history
  7. Millions of illegals mobilize and start attacking citizens in one coordinated effort
  8. Voting places will be attacked/vandalized if they are reporting high numbers for Trump
  9. Complete transparency on Trump assassination attempts and people find out that the government was behind them
  10. Jesus returns! 🙏

Do you agree with any of these crazy ideas? What are yours?