One of the most amusing things Humanity has undertaken. Is the attempt to Legislate away the Brutality of War. While simultaneously making the only consequences for inflicting brutality a slap on the wrist and a strongly worded letter.
International bodies can issue all the condemnations and host all kinds of court cases. Without an enforcement arm. IE people with Guns. You’re reliant on members. And Member nations usually consider their political and financial interests before international outrage
One of the most amusing things Humanity has undertaken. Is the attempt to Legislate away the Brutality of War. While simultaneously making the only consequences for inflicting brutality a slap on the wrist and a strongly worded letter.
International bodies can issue all the condemnations and host all kinds of court cases. Without an enforcement arm. IE people with Guns. You’re reliant on members. And Member nations usually consider their political and financial interests before international outrage