Buddy .... you sound rich and you sound like you LOVE being rich.
Read Acts 5 if you need reminding about how not to give.
I don't care about your money tbh. I just think when the rich drive by the homeless on the way to their million dollar cottage in their 4th car that perhaps ppl need to reconsider what they do with their money.
Retain all your wealth. I promise you by the 3rd n 4th generation it will be likely squandered by your grandchildren. Huge inheritances is detrimental to society and ppl generally speaking. But you do you.
Money is not representative of time or labour.
Money is money and there's more money than food, and there's a lot of food.
Ppl are done w bosses. You sound like a capitalist boss that loves to see how little he can pay his employees so he can maximize how much he can "make" so he can pay usury loans on his 4th car and 2nd house while also claiming he doesn't "love" money.
Here's an idea.
Give away an asset greater than $10k to a stranger or someone you know that's in need.
Also repent for making usury payments and make sure you don't make anymore.
And if you can't then at least stop lecturing ppl about wealth, money management, banking and economic forms of government.
If money is the root of all evil and one group of ppl have most of the money .... something something logical conclusion
The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
You can have a lot of money without being evil.
If you don't love it then give it all away.... if was meant to be it will fly back to you and was always meant to be.
I'm tired of rich men saying they don't love money; are you sick of that too?
Excuse me what? Why would someone give away what scripture says they should leave for their family?
Show me ONE verse that says give away your money and it will come back.
This is so lme new age "universe" BS.
I'm sick of people like you thinking money is evil. Money is a representation of time and labor.
God frequently blessed hardworking and faithful people with money because they can use it for His glory and to help others.
You sound like a damn commie.
Buddy .... you sound rich and you sound like you LOVE being rich.
Read Acts 5 if you need reminding about how not to give.
I don't care about your money tbh. I just think when the rich drive by the homeless on the way to their million dollar cottage in their 4th car that perhaps ppl need to reconsider what they do with their money.
Retain all your wealth. I promise you by the 3rd n 4th generation it will be likely squandered by your grandchildren. Huge inheritances is detrimental to society and ppl generally speaking. But you do you.
Money is not representative of time or labour.
Money is money and there's more money than food, and there's a lot of food.
Ppl are done w bosses. You sound like a capitalist boss that loves to see how little he can pay his employees so he can maximize how much he can "make" so he can pay usury loans on his 4th car and 2nd house while also claiming he doesn't "love" money.
Here's an idea.
Give away an asset greater than $10k to a stranger or someone you know that's in need.
Also repent for making usury payments and make sure you don't make anymore.
And if you can't then at least stop lecturing ppl about wealth, money management, banking and economic forms of government.