Seriously, vaping is bad. I vaped for a while because I was smoking half a tin of cigarillos, 3-4 cigars, and half a tin of snus PER DAY while deployed. It was leading me back to a 2 pack a day cigarette habit. So I wrapped my own coils, built my own shit and only vaped naturally extracted tobacco. I did Juls (sp) for a while and then start loading them with NET. Quit that and went to nic mints and cigars. I'm still good for 3-5 cigars a day (and I don't smoke cheapos) and a few to a bunch of nic mints. COVID can't touch me.
That said I did (and still do) a regimen including high dose NAC and while I go up and down, I ran 3.75 mi in 30 min in March and I'm mid 50s 160 lbs now.
"I'll save Vaping again" No One Else could say that and get away with it so well. 😃😃😃😃
Make Vaping Great Again!
Seriously, vaping is bad. I vaped for a while because I was smoking half a tin of cigarillos, 3-4 cigars, and half a tin of snus PER DAY while deployed. It was leading me back to a 2 pack a day cigarette habit. So I wrapped my own coils, built my own shit and only vaped naturally extracted tobacco. I did Juls (sp) for a while and then start loading them with NET. Quit that and went to nic mints and cigars. I'm still good for 3-5 cigars a day (and I don't smoke cheapos) and a few to a bunch of nic mints. COVID can't touch me.
That said I did (and still do) a regimen including high dose NAC and while I go up and down, I ran 3.75 mi in 30 min in March and I'm mid 50s 160 lbs now.
Vaping got me off cigs. Haven't touched them in more than 5 years.
Tried a cig the other day at work after a few years vaping. The cig tasted like ass.
This reminds me to make a pot of chile today. Kek
Me too