First let me say that I love x22 and listen to almost every episode. If you’ve listened to Dave’s reports for any period of time you’ll notice that he tries to keep it as the d’s or democrats or deep state are the bad guys trying to eliminate the republicans and American values. But it’s much deeper than that. There is a world wide agenda to eliminate “white” culture and in the US especially, to eliminate the white race in the US of A. There is an agenda at hand. It’s much deeper than replacing American workers with illegals. Does anyone else notice this? I’m sure Dave knows this but he never mentions it. Dave is a big supporter of Isreal it seems. I wonder if that has anything to do with it? Someone that knows and uses the Q posts as much as he does in his shows. Has Dave ever mentioned the saving Isreal for last post?
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Dave has the sense to stick to what he knows and serve as an enjoyable, driving- friendly, middle-weight discussion of current events from a Q-informed perspective.
There's a need to awaken many demographics. Can't throw everyone in the deep end right away and expect them to survive. As u/Bibloop states, Dave is one of the few shareable introductions to Q that is normie friendly.
Yeah even SaltyCracker would be too much for many people who are just getting started, the profanity alone scares away those still engaging in pearl-clutching. On the other end I don't even watch Salty anymore as he's not anon-enough for me as it's all surface-level analysis and often reacting to news I already know of from here.