I came across this paper, which is the best single source I have ever seen that clearly explains how the USA government was set up, and how it is SUPPOSED TO function.
Most people today seem to think that the federal government is at the top, the States are below, and the People are at the bottom.
The truth is the opposite: The People are at the top, the States are below, and the federal government is at the bottom -- and it has only specific, LIMITED powers.
BUT ...
They have been trying to turn it all upside down via propaganda and deception.
They have done this by utilizing two specific clauses in the Constitution, which grants to the federal government EXCLUSIVE AUTHORITY to pass ANY law they want -- but this power ONLY applies within the District of Columbia and the federal territories (Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and Northern Mariana Islands).
Regarding the 50 States of the Union, the federal government only has ENUMERATED POWERS ... written in the Constitution ... and NOTHING MORE.
But the 14th Amendment did, in fact, create a "new" class of citizenship, and everyone has been TRICKED into claiming they are that type of citizen.
That type of citizen (United States citizen) ... HAS NO RIGHTS.
That type of citizen has ONLY "privileges and immunities," but NO FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS FROM GOD.
If YOU claim to BE that type of citizen, then the government PRESUMES you are, and you have no fundamental rights. Thus, they treat you that way.
If you have ever heard or read about "State citizens," or "14th Amendment citizens" or similar, you have heard correctly, but I have never seen anyone put it all together in a clear, logical format, complete with US Supreme Court case law and other legal authorities to back it up -- until now.
This paper does it.
An important quote from the paper in the conclusion:
In any given Act of Congress, it is important to determine whether the Act is founded on some part of the U.S. Constitution whereby the States of the Union have delegated authority to the United States government and thereby bound themselves and the people who live therein to the Acts of Congress on that issue. Without the proper delegation of authority, the Acts of Congress apply only to the territory belonging to the United States and such Acts have no legal operational effect within the States of the Union. Moreover, without this delegation of authority, the agents of the United States government are without authority to enforce the Acts of Congress, Presidential Executive Orders, or regulations created by any secretary of the president’s cabinet.
It is 40 pages. If you can't take the time, over the next couple of days, to read through 40 pages, then guess what? YOU do not DESERVE to live in a free society.
So ... READ IT.
EVERYONE needs to read it. THIS is how we take back America.
We simply unravel the lies and deceipt, and assert our rightful ownership that has been taken by fraud.
"Fraud vitiates every thing." -- US v. Throckmorton
Very TRUE... But lets recognize that the Declaration of Independence was a Declaration of WAR. The Founding Fathers risked everything. Their Life, Property, Way of Life, Family, etc. etc. PLUS they had enraged citizens that they were the voice and guiding lights for. Succession is not a right, but an earned position. The right to earn it through revolt (WAR) is not debated, such as our struggle for Independence was.
My point is we have arguable have the best system in place that man has created to protect God given Rights. It does NOT support peaceful succession. Has it been used effectively??? NO!!
Not debating whether the Declaration of Independence and its implied Declaration of War was justified... for that is what it was; a justification for a War for Independence. Everybody, every nation, every monarchy, every living thing, has the ability to declare War. It has been with us continuously since the Garden of Eden. Why our WAR for Independence was justified was well stated by our Founding Fathers. Further cemented that our Rights come from God, not by the authority of the governance (or man) as some other constitutions are based upon.
Trump has gone thru' Hell and High water' to right this ship WITHOUT violating our Constitution! The Declaration of Independence is NOT the law of the land. Our Constitution is! Time for us as a nation to recognize what the Constitution says and what it means. Amend it, Fix it or Break it... like something better is going to come along LOL!
Hopefully we (as a Nation) will never, ever, have to invoke a Declaration of Independence again, and engage in War against OUR nation in the interest of its people.
Benjamin Franklin - "A Republic if you can keep it"
Don Henley - its time for 'The End of The Innocence'
Remember when the days were long And rolled beneath a deep blue sky Didn't have a care in the world With mommy and daddy standin' by But "happily ever after" fails And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales The lawyers dwell on small details Since daddy had to fly
O' beautiful, for spacious skies Now those skies are threatening They're beating plowshares into swords For this tired old man that we elected king Armchair warriors often fail And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales The lawyers clean up all details Since daddy had to lie
Actually, as much as i like Trump, it is untrue that he hasn't violated the Constitution. He has on more than one occasion. One would hope that he is willing to learn more and not do so in the future through ignorance.
Some specific examples:
Acting Officials exceeding the limit of 210 days: Congress enacted the Federal Vacancies Reform Act (FVRA) to allow the president to appoint “acting” officers, people already holding certain positions within the federal government who can serve in a vacant office for a maximum of 210 days after it becomes vacant. Keeping an officer in such an “acting” position past the statutory limit violates the appointments clause. Chad Wolf had served as acting secretary of Homeland Security beginning on November, 2019 — and was there well over the 210 days limit. **Bombing Syria: **bombed without notifying or getting approval from congress. Bump Stock ban: Violated 2nd amendment **COVID-19 Executive Orders: **These orders extended unemployment benefits and placed the onus on states to top them up, suspended the payroll tax for many workers, facilitated an eviction moratorium later declared by the Centers for Disease Control (the extension of which President Biden is now pursuing), and suspended student-loan repayments. While these may or may not be sensible policies to provide relief to low-income people economically hurt by the global pandemic, even leading progressive legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky found them unconstitutional. Violated Separation of Powers numerous times: Used money for the border Wall that was not authorized by Congress, Tried to force States to to assist the federal government to enforce immigration laws by taking a slew of federal law-enforcement grants to so-called sanctuary cities which was a direct violation of the “anti-commandeering doctrine,” among other principles of federalism. That is, states are independent sovereigns that can’t be forced to assist the federal government, and although they can be enticed to help willingly with the promise of federal funds, the federal government can’t place additional strings on those enticements without congressional approval.
Many Presidents have violated the Constitution, but it is never okay, regardless of who, or if it was with good intentions.
I will be voting for Trump again, but I also do not want him to violate the limits of his executive powers.
legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky found them unconstitutional........ Used money for the border Wall that was not authorized by Congress....... Tried to force States to to assist the federal government to enforce immigration laws......... etc
And there you have it... the definitive I love Trump but.... So many reasons... Deflection from the issue of constitutionality of state succession into.... Soooo many reasons why....TDS but not really.... I'm a fan... but here is my off-the-shelf list of..... EXPOSED****