posted ago by MemeToDeath2021 ago by MemeToDeath2021 +45 / -0

Title should say inversion "envelope maneuver" rather than "envelope inversion maneuver". Trump is inverting the maneuver used against him in 2020 (and Jan6, 2021) and redeploying it against Kamala as many other anons have pointed out. MIRROR RORRIM

TDLR: From a purely functional enveloping maneuver Kamala must be both VP and "Acting President" so she can be the individual forced to certify her opponents electoral victory AND so Speaker of the House Trump can remove her and become "Acting President" himself if required on January 6, 2025.

SCENARIO events and rough timeline:

  1. Sometime prior to Nov. 5 (October?), 25th Amendment is used on Biden to force him out. Kamala becomes "Acting President" while still holding VP role.

  2. Senate is unable to approve a VP replacement which is needed as a Deep State "safety" to prevent a Speaker of the House Donald Trump from becoming "Acting President" on January 6, 2025.

  3. Prior to Trump sentencing on November 26, 2024, he is made "non Representative" Speaker of the House to avoid being put in jail (Congressional members cannot be detained, arrested, or jailed while in session); OR if delayed again, he is made Speaker of the House on January 3rd by the new Congress. https://www.reuters.com/legal/judge-rule-donald-trumps-bid-delay-hush-money-sentencing-2024-09-06/

  4. Speaker of the House Trump then supervises the House of Representatives in either a contingent election of himself (if below 270 electoral) or the certification of his 2024 electoral win.

  5. On January 6, 2025; Kamala (VP) must certify her opponent Trump's electoral victory or be arrested and removed for treason by Federal Marshals or military disguised as such or House Sergeant-at-Arms (hopefully LIVE on TV). Trump becomes "Acting President" because there is no longer a President or VP, and Speaker of the House is next in line. He can become "Acting President" regardless of whether or not his victory is actually certified that day (it might be delayed). https://www.house.gov/the-house-explained/officers-and-organizations/sergeant-at-arms

  6. Speaker of House Trump orders national guard to quell riots in DC per his authority as "ruler of DC" in Speaker position.

  7. On January 11, 2025 there could be a contingent election of the President in the House of Representatives and of the VP in the Senate. Each state delegation gets a single vote [only candidates receiving 1 electoral vote are eligible]. Whoever gets 26 votes wins. [This would occur due to failed/delayed certification OR removal of key "tossup states" from electoral count (admitted fraud) to get Trump below 270 electoral votes, denying him outright victory].

  8. Sometime after January 11, Trump is then also ruled by SCOTUS to have won the 2020 Election with the remedy of Trump/Pence to serve 4 year term starting January 20th or March 4th (if Corporate gov't is gone) that was denied.

  9. Eventually, Trump is certified as the winner of 2024 after full audit in all states shows he won both the electoral college AND the popular vote overwhelmingly. Benefit of the audits is public exposure of all methods of election fraud used (at least 3, possibly more).

Reference for item #5, Presidential Succession Act of 1947: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acting_President_of_the_United_States

TRUMP WINS PUBLICLY IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE SO THIS TERM IS UNDENIABLE AND HE HAS THE MANDATE HE NEEDS. Becoming Speaker of the House is the only way for Trump to publicly and lawfully stop all the Deep State controlled rioting in DC (without appearing like a coup) which is intended to destroy the city and be used by media to provoke Civil War 2.0 (like what they intended in 2020-2021) while blaming Trump.


A. WIN1: Trump becomes "Acting POTUS" from SoH position (1947 Act)

B. WIN2: Trump wins contingent election in House of Representatives (see 1824 Election for reference)

C. WIN3: Audit reveals Trump double blowout popular and electoral 2024

D. WIN4: Trump certified as 2024 winner

E. WIN5: Trump declared winner of 2020 by SCOTUS with remedy to serve

F. WIN6. Trump certified as 2020 winner (corrected per LAW, Biden vacated)

G. WIN7: Trump holds callback authority of devolved C-I-C powers (safety)

H. WIN8. BONUS? SCOTUS determines that Trump can serve 3rd term?

Y'all gonna be exhausted from so much winning. And Vance is gonna have to wait 4 years to serve, imo.