I believe this is the time when Satan is in bondage, and man’s own evil is portrayed without outside influence. This is where we see just how evil mankind can be. Don’t be one of the evil. Prayer is the answer. And it helps to vote!
Humbly disagree. Everything being pushed DIRECTLY goes back to satanic influences.
Satan has 4 generals, one promotes transgenderism, one promotes lesbianism, one promotes gayness in men, and the other one is like sinful sexuality. Sound familiar?
Also, look at things like abortion. Where it stands now, if you need one, you can get one. The feminists should be overjoyed. But they keep pushing for constitutional amendments, for it to be included in health insurance, for it to be more accessible (like its not). Why? Because its not about any of those things, its about being a sacrament to satan.
If satan were in bondage, it would be a lot easier to stop sinning. I don't know about you, but im doing a shitty job of that.
I believe Satan and his generals were defeated by the cross and locked up when Jerusalem were destroyed, thus fulfilling the end times revelation.
The Bible says that the hearts of man are evil and nothing good is found in them. So, apart from accepting the Holy Spirit in your heart, and accepting Christ died for our sins, there is no hope.
And it says Satan will be bound for a thousand years. Not sure if that was a literal thousand, if it passed at some time, or what. But, the end times, as all the Revelation followers point to, still has a lot of locked information.
But, the abomination of desolation has already happened. When the Christ said that generation will not pass before those things take place, they took place. Scripture is always 100% accurate.
So, if the “rapture” already happened, what’s next? Yes, the rapture was when the Christians fled to the mountains and hid during the fall of Jerusalem.
Not all Christians believe that is what the scriptures say, but it makes far more sense than Lahay’s books to me…
I believe this is the time when Satan is in bondage, and man’s own evil is portrayed without outside influence. This is where we see just how evil mankind can be. Don’t be one of the evil. Prayer is the answer. And it helps to vote!
Humbly disagree. Everything being pushed DIRECTLY goes back to satanic influences.
Satan has 4 generals, one promotes transgenderism, one promotes lesbianism, one promotes gayness in men, and the other one is like sinful sexuality. Sound familiar?
Also, look at things like abortion. Where it stands now, if you need one, you can get one. The feminists should be overjoyed. But they keep pushing for constitutional amendments, for it to be included in health insurance, for it to be more accessible (like its not). Why? Because its not about any of those things, its about being a sacrament to satan.
If satan were in bondage, it would be a lot easier to stop sinning. I don't know about you, but im doing a shitty job of that.
I believe Satan and his generals were defeated by the cross and locked up when Jerusalem were destroyed, thus fulfilling the end times revelation.
The Bible says that the hearts of man are evil and nothing good is found in them. So, apart from accepting the Holy Spirit in your heart, and accepting Christ died for our sins, there is no hope.
And it says Satan will be bound for a thousand years. Not sure if that was a literal thousand, if it passed at some time, or what. But, the end times, as all the Revelation followers point to, still has a lot of locked information.
But, the abomination of desolation has already happened. When the Christ said that generation will not pass before those things take place, they took place. Scripture is always 100% accurate.
So, if the “rapture” already happened, what’s next? Yes, the rapture was when the Christians fled to the mountains and hid during the fall of Jerusalem.
Not all Christians believe that is what the scriptures say, but it makes far more sense than Lahay’s books to me…