That's such a liberal nonsense! Correlation litreally always implies causation
The key word here is "imply". Anyone can imply pretty much anything.
Here are some examples (to make it clear, before people start getting upset- I'm not saying these examples are true, I'm using them to make a point):
Autism rates rose at the same rate of microwave use. This implies microwaves cause autism.
Cases of mental retardation have fallen at the same time that childhood vaccinations rose. This implies that childhood vaccines prevent mental retardation.
Amish don't receive routine childhood vaccinations, and they have a higher chance than average to have severe illnesses like Tay-Sachs, Angelman Syndrome, and dwarfism. This implies vaccines prevent these diseases.
a higher chance than average to have severe illnesses like Tay-Sachs, Angelman Syndrome, and dwarfism
Disagree- they are almost completely healthy
God, not man's actions, cause disease. If kids get sick, it's because they or their parents sinned- which makes it a sin to attempt to prevent it (which is impossible anyway), etc etc
correlation does not imply causation - but in this instance I think I could bet that it does
That's such a liberal nonsense! Correlation litreally always implies causation
Sorry, nothing against you at all. Just makes my blood boil when I see those cursed words
The key word here is "imply". Anyone can imply pretty much anything.
Here are some examples (to make it clear, before people start getting upset- I'm not saying these examples are true, I'm using them to make a point):
Autism rates rose at the same rate of microwave use. This implies microwaves cause autism.
Cases of mental retardation have fallen at the same time that childhood vaccinations rose. This implies that childhood vaccines prevent mental retardation.
Amish don't receive routine childhood vaccinations, and they have a higher chance than average to have severe illnesses like Tay-Sachs, Angelman Syndrome, and dwarfism. This implies vaccines prevent these diseases.
I suspect they might
But IMHO they've risen sharply. Sooo many retards
Disagree- they are almost completely healthy
God, not man's actions, cause disease. If kids get sick, it's because they or their parents sinned- which makes it a sin to attempt to prevent it (which is impossible anyway), etc etc
Ok, did you get the point of my post? At all?