Who is Vlad the Impaler? Is King Charles III a Descendant of the 'Real-Life Dracula'? - By Nandika Vinal Chand September 16, 2022 15:17 +08
Newly crowned King Charles III is the direct descendant of the real-life Dracula "Vlad the Impaler". He actually owns several properties in Transylvania and is the heir to Vlad the Impaler's bloodline. The British royal family also has links to countries across Europe, including Romania.
King Charles III is Vlad's great grandson 16 times removed through the Consort of George V, Queen Mary. This claim is supported by David Hughes genealogical tree in The British Chronicles. King Charles owns several properties in the Romania region, Viscri, in the Zalanului Valley, in Malancrav and in Breb.
Image: https://static.ffx.io/images/$width_768%2C$height_432/t_crop_fill/t_sharpen%2Cq_auto%2Cf_auto/1603dc82c3cdfabde1b223fb1326012932cd9f3a
Who is Vlad the Impaler? Is King Charles III a Descendant of the 'Real-Life Dracula'? - By Nandika Vinal Chand September 16, 2022 15:17 +08
Newly crowned King Charles III is the direct descendant of the real-life Dracula "Vlad the Impaler". He actually owns several properties in Transylvania and is the heir to Vlad the Impaler's bloodline. The British royal family also has links to countries across Europe, including Romania.
King Charles III is Vlad's great grandson 16 times removed through the Consort of George V, Queen Mary. This claim is supported by David Hughes genealogical tree in The British Chronicles. King Charles owns several properties in the Romania region, Viscri, in the Zalanului Valley, in Malancrav and in Breb. https://www.ibtimes.sg/who-vlad-impaler-king-charles-iii-descendant-real-life-dracula-66810
Image: https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.U0JTSvECN1UMtONVBwbzRAHaHq&pid=Api
Image: https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.1VQnlMA13aWYb2pBMtG5PgHaE9&pid=Api