-Assassinate Trump
-Election fraud
They will continue to try to eliminate Trump. If that fails, they are already sending more troops to the Middle East, and could attempt to incite large-scale conflict, in the hopes they can justify cancelling the election in a time of war. If that doesnt work, they will implement some level of voter fraud, in an attempt to steal the swing states. If that does not work, they will attempt to prevent the peaceful transition of power, and refuse to cede power to Trump.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride. Stay frosty.
- Clandestine
Too many people on here not using their fucking brains. Just spouting gmore doom amd totally blind as to what is going on. People of little faith. Go ahead, down vote me but you still doom like a child. I'll take it that indirect over the target.
based. literally the only difference between GAW and PDW is our standards of faith. PDW is for people who think our salvation is in the hands of men, while GAW is for those who understand its in God's hands.