So now when the dad gets suicided, it can be blamed on him being ashamed of his degenerate son. Great. Also, the map of the golf course showing the shooting position is news to me. I was baffled how he expected to make a 700 yard shot with a shitty SKS with a taped on scope, but that's just how far Trump was when the rifle was spotted. The next hole would have brought Trump within 150 feet. Still doubt he could have hit anything with that build.
So now when the dad gets suicided, it can be blamed on him being ashamed of his degenerate son. Great. Also, the map of the golf course showing the shooting position is news to me. I was baffled how he expected to make a 700 yard shot with a shitty SKS with a taped on scope, but that's just how far Trump was when the rifle was spotted. The next hole would have brought Trump within 150 feet. Still doubt he could have hit anything with that build.