You heard it here first ... these are overt comms to the lucifarians/cabal/pedocult ...they have the performer known as "Pink", and he/she has pretty much done a comprehensive 'tell-all' of evidence before a Grand Jury.
The whole "Ditty" thing is about to drop a septic tank on Celebrityville. I want to see who cries Mike Obama first though. Thats gonna be epic.
You heard it here first ... these are overt comms to the lucifarians/cabal/pedocult ...they have the performer known as "Pink", and he/she has pretty much done a comprehensive 'tell-all' of evidence before a Grand Jury.
The whole "Ditty" thing is about to drop a septic tank on Celebrityville. I want to see who cries Mike Obama first though. Thats gonna be epic.