Of course. More proof MAHA is turning into a Psy Op. There are certain industries with higher risk and high vested interests to get the right levers to bury these other specific industries (Big Ag, and the non-vaccine portion of Big Pharma).
We need to ask ourselves why for example these siblings Cally and Casey Means suddenly come out of the woodwork and get national platforms to "speak truth to power" and blame our modern disease epidemics on Fruit Loops, of all things? Look specifically into how Casey Means finished residency, there's a bigger story going on here.
I’ve noticed that coordinated misdirection.
Brian Kilmeade on Fox had a Saturday night special about the food and chemicals in the food. Fox weekend morning had a similar segment. So for 30 years people have complained about the food and its silence. Now when the Great Baffling is beginning to pick up steam, the media is focused on the chemicals in Frosted Flakes.
The only thing in this nation that isn’t a coordinated psyop is my morning bowel movements. This is unreal.
Through misdirection Big Ag is being thrown under the bus right now. By whom? Good question. There are candidates. Essentially its coming from the Technocrats on the right.
Consider Thiel's Palantir. One of those privatized version of intelligence agency projects.
Flashback to 2020:
A company called Palantir was given the contract to come up with the vaccine allocation strategy and determine the critical populations each vaccine should be distributed to. Palantir, founded by Peter Thiel, was initially funded by QTL, the CIA's venture capital arm.
The CIA was its only client for the first three years of its existence. At present, Palantir is a contractor to 17 U.S. intelligence agencies and also the U.S. military. The company is also in charge of COVID-19 data under the auspices of the HHS. Hospitals must now report their COVID-19 data to Palantir or lose their Medicaid and Medicare funding. Palantir is also involved in things like predictive policing.
Palantir is where vaccine policies, genomics, "Security" / "Public Health" and AI all intersect. Mass data collection and digital transformation of everything -- "Security, health, and wellbeing". Note that since we are being shepherded into a new phase of voluntary adoption of this entire, comprehensive AI paradigm, Palantir will have more pull in deploying its projects.
This reorienting of MAGA to include MAHA spearheaded by the Means siblings is clearly meant to bring about Technocracy that the Right will either be unaware of or be relatively cool with, because of the tightly managed narrative networks that are instructing us in yet another sheep like fashion who is responsible for our problems so their ready solutions will be accepted.
Of course. More proof MAHA is turning into a Psy Op. There are certain industries with higher risk and high vested interests to get the right levers to bury these other specific industries (Big Ag, and the non-vaccine portion of Big Pharma).
We need to ask ourselves why for example these siblings Cally and Casey Means suddenly come out of the woodwork and get national platforms to "speak truth to power" and blame our modern disease epidemics on Fruit Loops, of all things? Look specifically into how Casey Means finished residency, there's a bigger story going on here.
I’ve noticed that coordinated misdirection. Brian Kilmeade on Fox had a Saturday night special about the food and chemicals in the food. Fox weekend morning had a similar segment. So for 30 years people have complained about the food and its silence. Now when the Great Baffling is beginning to pick up steam, the media is focused on the chemicals in Frosted Flakes.
The only thing in this nation that isn’t a coordinated psyop is my morning bowel movements. This is unreal.
Through misdirection Big Ag is being thrown under the bus right now. By whom? Good question. There are candidates. Essentially its coming from the Technocrats on the right.
Consider Thiel's Palantir. One of those privatized version of intelligence agency projects.
Flashback to 2020:
Palantir is where vaccine policies, genomics, "Security" / "Public Health" and AI all intersect. Mass data collection and digital transformation of everything -- "Security, health, and wellbeing". Note that since we are being shepherded into a new phase of voluntary adoption of this entire, comprehensive AI paradigm, Palantir will have more pull in deploying its projects.
This reorienting of MAGA to include MAHA spearheaded by the Means siblings is clearly meant to bring about Technocracy that the Right will either be unaware of or be relatively cool with, because of the tightly managed narrative networks that are instructing us in yet another sheep like fashion who is responsible for our problems so their ready solutions will be accepted.
This is a funhouse with no exist.
The right is acting like they are the solution to what the left created. Elon is playing peacemaker with his Neuralink I’m over it.
I just want to be left in peace.