At the risk of being banned, I feel a great need to engage the Board about the topic of the Plan, and how we will know when... well, that it's "done".
I don't know how else to explain this fascinating dynamic, so let me first list some things that I commonly hear on this Board and that I am constantly trying to reconcile. I'll post the saying, or belief, and then a short comment in brackets [ ].
God wins. [Yes, of course He does. I believe this. But do we know what this actually translates into in this world, for humans? It is comforting in one way, but it is the Great Ambiguity as well as the Great Euphemism in another.]
Nothing can stop what is coming. [Similar to #1. I believe this. I think we all do. But what is the "What"? Justice and goodness? That's what we believe and we are hoping for.]
Trust the Plan. [Similar to #1 and #2. I do trust the Plan. The reason I am making this post is because I don't KNOW the Plan. That is what "trust" is... similar to faith. I have seen enough evidence that there is a Plan, and I believe it to be real and to be good.]
Eat more popcorn. [This phrase is frustrating because it's basically implying that there's nothing to do but... #'s 1, 2 and 3... just have faith and trust. That's all good, but this cannot go on forever. Some of you/us have been waiting for decades. Some of you found this Board yesterday. Regardless, this state of mind is not sustainable for most people. So, when will we know that we do not need more popcorn? When Trump is the President?]
We're watching a movie. [Yes, I know. It's kind of entertaining, I guess. But if I'm being truthful, it's frustrating and irritating. Like many of you, I'm ready for it to be over. See the next point.]
This is a war. [I understand. And, it will take time... a long time... to unravel and dismantle the global Cabal that has existed for centuries. So, my need for expediency is not important. And people will suffer and people will die, and there will be ugliness. This is a war!! Put my big boy pants on, man up, etc. I get it. No need to keep saying THIS IS A WAR. All I want to know is how will we know when it is over?]
Things are happening. [Yes, they are. A lot of things. We have win after win after win piling up. I KNOW! Again... how will we know when it's done? What signs, what wins, what habbenings will be the signal that it's done? When and why do we get to say "I told you so" to that smug in-law who loves FJB/KH? When and why do we get to come out of the fog of ambiguity and say, "This finally feels like solid ground, and a new life can begin"? Will it even be like that? Or are we going to be in this malaise of winning and changing and winning for the next 30 years? ]
Patriots are in control. [This goes with #7, in particular. None of what we're seeing would happen if Patriots were not in control. But what does that really mean? Because there are a lot of things that seem like they're not in control. Or is that part of the script? Well, when it's a win, Patriots are in control--but something not so good means it's part of the script.]
We must show them. [Yes, we do. The normies need to awaken via a process by which they are showing the evil that exists. And, we need to experience the Precipice as part of this showing. I can tell you right now: the longer things play out, and the longer the dripping continues, the more desensitized and tuned-out people become. So, I have a feeling that something cataclysmic is going to happen very, very soon, otherwise we will have missed the opportunity to truly awaken people].
Take a break. [I understand self-care. I understand checking out and letting go and grounding myself. It is during those times that what I am explaining here comes into focus. Any rational person who without any context reads the above 9 statements would say, "That sounds circular or never-ending. You're being told that there's a plan and that you're winning, and that you should watch and be patient, and that it's a war so stop getting uppity because can't you see all that is happening to show them the evil and awaken them, and take a break if you can't handle it. But you never know when you're done. You're just supposed to keep at it, and endure." ]
There are other phrases and euphemisms, but these are the ones I hear/see the most.
What's my point in all of this? First, I'm not complaining--so don't bother to tell me to stop. I am looking past the war. And I want to know if we know how we will know that it is over.
Will Q post and tell us?
Will Trump tell us?
Will we just have to discern that we've won (continue to point to "wins")?
What are the things that will be proof that the fog of war has cleared and we are the victors? Public executions? Big Pharma ends and is replaced with med beds? Aliens walk among us and show us how to live up to our potential? All human traffickers are rounded up and disposed of? All but 6% of the population walks around with a smile and screaming, "Yes, I get it! I'm awake. We are free of the Cabal!" The Cabal masters are named, rounded up and disposed of? A 48-hour documentary is shared that details everything? There is peace. There are jobs. All of the above? Other things?
The deeper point is this: It is not healthy for the human psyche to sustain the watchfulness, hope, and preparedness for so long, and then not have a catharsis.
We need a cathartic moment. We need to know it's over. We need to know that the storm is over. I sure hope and pray that the Q Team accounted for this basic human condition, as the prolonged state of mind leads to desensitization, doubts and loss of hope, and overall disappointment at the falling short of expectations.
And that's the last point: We have been led to have expectations. And boy do I have them! And I am doing my best to spread them and encourage others to have them. Everything--EVERYTHING--is riding on this Plan. From world freedom from the Cabal to my petty need to say "I told you so", and everything in-between... and most people would say not to place all my eggs in this one basket. Well, Q, you're the basket, and you've got all my eggs. I'm in it to win it, and I want to know when we've won, and I want to know how we will know that we have won.
Edit: Interestingly enough, this post was made not too long after mine. If you have not watched this 6 minute video, please do. It is a great summary of what's going on, big picture and at a detailed level. It is hopeful, and answers my questions as to how we will know:
I think you're right. But I think Q should just tell us. : )
guess we will see when its done...i hope so