posted ago by cringerepublic ago by cringerepublic +27 / -1

Any successful revolution needs insider support. The French Revolution was backed by liberal nobles and freemasons in the government. The Russian Revolution was financed by bankers and rich capitalists with support from most of the "creative" class. The American Revolution was literally lead by the colonies' most promising and prominent men.

Organized Jewish influence is one of the most important pillars of the current regime. After October 7, a lot of American Jews shifted further to the right because preserving their homeland took precedence over disarming nationalism in non-Jewish countries. Trump is using this as an opportunity to essentially be crowned by the kingmaker in American politics. Obviously this comes at the cost of a lot of what made him so popular in 2016.

I'm not so sure that he's "playing" them, because Trump is definitely offering a lot of concessions. It seems like Jewish influence will continue to be a pillar of Trump's vision for our future which would line up with his history as a former NYC developer who's daughter married into a Jewish family.