Is HRC just a puppet and the goal is to take down her minders and the real kingpins?
HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut.
She's now on her own and fighting for her life.
So what if:
Did HRC have something to do with JFKjr's plane crash?
If so, would shooting at DJT's plane be beyond consideration?
Does HRC believe JFKjr is dead?
Is JKFjr about to make an appearance in the movie?
Do you believe in prophesy: (emphasis mine)
"My children, your government is responsible for countless deaths you did not even know about. The death toll will be revealed. Some that they thought were silenced are not. Some have been hidden from the establishment to help take them down. Since they no longer suspected these people were alive, they could do more damage to the establishment."
I read somewhere (maybe here?) that approximately 50 per cent of the population is on some sort of treatment for mental illness, so the number of "thinking people" is not what it could be.
Hmm. Do you think mental illness somehow affects a person's intelligence?
The majority of people who suffer from mental illness tend to have anxiety and/or depression issues. They also tend to have higher IQs than the average population.
There are many sayings about how the dumber you are, the happier you are. The whole "ignorance is bliss" thing.
After anxiety and depression, the other most common mental illnesses are PTSD, ADD/ADHD, and OCD. Out of those, ADD/ADHD are the only ones that might have the stigma of not being intelligent. But those that live with attention disorders suffer more from having too many thoughts, rather than not enough. Organizing those thoughts, and staying on task are the issues they face.
So...yeah. I don't think mental illness is the problem with this one.
I think being intellectually lazy is the problem. That's a whole different can of worms.
Hmmm, numbers 9 and 3. 93? (emphasis mine)
Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:06:00 ID: cS8cMPVQ 4chan/pol: 148032210 Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:03:40 ID:yY946/MZ 4chan/pol: 148031978
So what if:
Did HRC have something to do with JFKjr's plane crash?
If so, would shooting at DJT's plane be beyond consideration?
Does HRC believe JFKjr is dead?
Is JKFjr about to make an appearance in the movie?
Do you believe in prophesy: (emphasis mine)
"My children, your government is responsible for countless deaths you did not even know about. The death toll will be revealed. Some that they thought were silenced are not. Some have been hidden from the establishment to help take them down. Since they no longer suspected these people were alive, they could do more damage to the establishment."
Julie Green, September 4, 2024
Q told us "disinformation is real" and "disinformation is necessary".
Q also told us JFKjr is dead.
Frens, the prosecution rests! Lurch is serving drinks in the bar and Thing is handing out cigars in the smoking lounge.
Good work Fester! 👏
Thank you. Just added supporting conjecture.
Another weird connection is "flight 93" in PA on 9/11.
I didn't need a false prophet to tell me any of that. Any thinking person could easily deduce it.
I read somewhere (maybe here?) that approximately 50 per cent of the population is on some sort of treatment for mental illness, so the number of "thinking people" is not what it could be.
Hmm. Do you think mental illness somehow affects a person's intelligence?
The majority of people who suffer from mental illness tend to have anxiety and/or depression issues. They also tend to have higher IQs than the average population.
There are many sayings about how the dumber you are, the happier you are. The whole "ignorance is bliss" thing.
After anxiety and depression, the other most common mental illnesses are PTSD, ADD/ADHD, and OCD. Out of those, ADD/ADHD are the only ones that might have the stigma of not being intelligent. But those that live with attention disorders suffer more from having too many thoughts, rather than not enough. Organizing those thoughts, and staying on task are the issues they face.
So...yeah. I don't think mental illness is the problem with this one.
I think being intellectually lazy is the problem. That's a whole different can of worms.
No, but their way of interacting with the environment and the people in it is skewed, sometimes badly. There is always a continuum.
There is no “JFK jr” when it was reported JFK had died recently. JFK jr is now JFK.
No, JFK Jr is still JFK Jr. You don't just lose your suffix because the 1st dies.
Much of history would be incomprehensible if people lost their suffixes because one of their elders died.
And how recently do you believe it was that JFK died? He would be around 107 now.
Also, remember was flight 93 downed in Schneksville PA.
Ohhh...good association there.
What airplane?