And jay z witch wife beyonce knows it too. That’s why she worked on her rebrand and released a country album to appeal to white people when she runs to them to help her play defense. As if she wasn’t complicit in the parties where she forced attendees to sign nda cuz they were all doing innocent stuff right 🙄 As if she didn’t thrown white people under the bus with her black panther Super Bowl performance and stoking crimes against police and furthering the racial divide blm was engaged in. Make sure Beyoncé doesn’t get away when she attempts to distance herself from all the fuckshit
And jay z witch wife beyonce knows it too. That’s why she worked on her rebrand and released a country album to appeal to white people when she runs to them to help her play defense. As if she wasn’t complicit in the parties where she forced attendees to sign nda cuz they were all doing innocent stuff right 🙄 As if she didn’t thrown white people under the bus with her black panther Super Bowl performance and stoking crimes against police and furthering the racial divide blm was engaged in. Make sure Beyoncé doesn’t get away when she attempts to distance herself from all the fuckshit
Her and that disgusting ugly husband are both high priest satanist !
keep em falling the dam is breaking..........."I am going to bring the whole diseased temple down on their heads...its gonna be biblical".........
Told ya ...."Jay-Z is gonna be next..."
Shawn Corey Carter
He's not related to Nell Carter...or Jimmy...
Wow, I listened to all of it.
I also want to see LeBron James go down.
Who is this speaking? Any other context?