It feels like human civilization is slowly dying across the board. It goes beyond just a bad president or a bad government. The ideas that have guided humanity as a whole over the last few centuries, beginning before even the renaissance, are finally playing out their logical conclusion and becoming discredited.
Our ideas do not work. Technology, economy worship, universal competition, the desire for equality and meritocracy, democracy, liberalism, feminism, secularism. These ideas lead to a depressed and anxious society of suicidal people who don't reproduce.
It has real world, not just hypothetical repercussions. South Korea's culture is currently causing a national security crisis as their population is collapsing while the communist North remains stable. This is a disaster but our leaders have no ideas beyond more of the same, or a return to what lead us here in the first place.
I think we really need to take a deep look at our priorities and re-examine them in light of what actually makes human beings happy and healthy. It turns out, religion might be more important in the long run than air conditioning. Close family units may be more valuable than social media. Even local economies where people are farmers and butchers and bakers might prove to be superior to one dominated by asset bubbles, global trade and finance. Maybe our whole conventional way of thinking is wrong. Maybe people in the past didn't "progress" for a good reason that we forgot over time. Re-learning this is going to be painful as hell.
They are the death throws of the old guard my friend...
ASCENSION is upon us. This is not referring to 144k magically being raptured or some bs like that... It's a change in our energetic frequency.
Things that used to work don't anymore. Old ways of doing things, beliefs around how things are supposed to work (the way we've always done things...), religion, govt, acquisition of material things etc - are becoming very fatigued.
This is a battle between the old ways and the new ways.
I want you to consider something for a moment....
Leading up to 2012, what was life like? How many conversations about God, your soul, right/wrong, death, spirit, etheric energy, meditation, eating better etc were people having?
We all thought 2012 was going to be this huge thing like this old world would just be gone in the blink of an eye...Did it? No ... but if you look in the rearview, look at what we're talking about and witnessing right here right now... We're all ASCENDING in our capacity to be loving, kinder AND we're all sick of the bullshit games being run on us by those DESPERATELY trying to stay in control.
There's a very good reason why we haven't taken up arms against the perpetrators... It's not the way we're going to do things if we can avoid it. Think about it ... I'd say every American here has enough firepower to put a good hurting on whoever might be in the way... but the TRUTH IS - we REALLY don't want to do that in our heart of hearts. Everyone knows that's an absolute last resort... and that's not compatible with ascending to Christ consciousness.
This time, we're really NOT going to put up with the bullshit. HOWEVER, instead of looking around (like before telling a dirty joke) - instead of looking to others - we as individuals need to put our foot down and say enough is enough, we're not going to participate in this insanity any longer.
People right now would literally choose to die before they made decisions in support of the evil bs that's been run on us for thousands of years. NCSWIC because it's to do with humanity's ascension to higher states of being and higher states of living and decision making. We will make godly decisions going forward because we've all suffered enough repeatedly over and over and over again choosing the "quick fix" lame choices too many times before.
Ascension is real for both humans and the earth itself. We're GOING TO leave the evil ways of doing things in the dust. There's simply no other way we can survive other than to be true to ourselves & God. Otherwise we will all die. This is why evil is being exposed repeatedly these past few years. It must be eradicated and snuffed out completely. It's no longer compatible with the hearts and minds of the people. Clearly, no government or NGO is doing our bidding... they've all got to go. Time's up.
Can't disagree with any of this nice write up. PLG only showed 1 timeline and when they realized they couldn't see themselves in it, they freaked. It is written and it will be.
There's too many signs and they just keep multiplying with every passing week. We've watched this pattern for years and that's why many of us knew it our bones to stay onboard. It's real. NCSWIC.