Dan Scavino posted this on FB two days ago. Where have we heard this from before? I keep seeing signs that the precipice is upon us. Put on the whole armor of God.

What "signs" do you see? Portends, or just what people are parroting because it fits a particular narrative or fits their own cognitively dissonant political bias?
We are nowhere near any sort of precipice. We are nowhere near the levels of inflation that the world saw in the lead up to WWII, we are nowhere near the levels of brutality from our own govt that we saw in the lead up to the American Revolution or the Civil War, we are certainly nowhere near the levels of brutality we saw under Jacobin oppression during the French Revolution, much less anywhere even remotely close to the Communist and Fascist Revolutions of the 20th Century, nowhere near the levels of stupidity we saw during the Cuban Missile Crisis (remember, Putin and Trump lived thru it, so don't think we're remotely close to that current day MSM/CIA talking point now because if we were we'd all be busy little bees buying up iodine tablets and gas masks while our children play stupid games of "hide under your desk"), and are certainly nowhere near the levels of human depravity that brought on Noah's Flood or the razing of Soddam & Gammorah where whole societies, top-down were preying on people like us.
We are only in the middle of multiple psyops designed to capture our minds for one side or the other. And when you look at everything being said from all sides, that fact becomes readily apparent to anyone paying close attention. We are still in a relative comfortable era in human history, where the vast majority of humanity is still free to do what it wants, when it wants, where it wants, how it wants, and with whoever we want to do whatever it is we want to do! People are still able to buy most luxury items (yes, your favorite popcorn counts as a luxury item, so does your "cofefe") they want to buy (even if it's only a cinema ticket, a cheese burger, a six-pack of beer, a ticket to a sold out sporting or concert/festival event, etc, etc, etc). If we weren't able to do those things still, we would all know it because we would all be in the streets protesting or would be in a 16 hr long bread line, or lined up awaiting the guillotine, or in concentration camps awaiting giant gas chambers, or slaving away in some frozen tundra gulag, or hanging from trees and lamp posts, or hiding under kitchen tables while our tech devices are busy alerting us to potential incoming ICBMs, or using our less than 5 yr old $80K-$100K vehicles for hauling trailers loaded down with pallets of cash around just to buy a loaf of bread and some eggs (this is adjusted for inflation from the time of Weimar Germany), or we'd be melting down our gold and silver jewelry for bartering, or we'd be in a full on kinetic war with ourselves, or our govts, and warring for the left over scraps of humanity with each and every separate "tribe," (aka demographic and sub-demographic) known to mankind.
THAT is a world shaking, humanity changing precipice, and all those examples I've listed above, purposely in the form of a run-on sentence because they were ALL world changing events for the people who lived them. If you can still turn your lights on, use electricity to cook your foods, drive your vehicles to work or school or wherever, are still able to fall asleep at night in a relatively comfortable setting (even if you're "poor" by today's vain standards), if you're able to use your phones and vehicles to transport yourself or family to any social event, buy ammo for your thousand dollar rifle you just bought last year, or buy whatever it is you consider food fit for consumption without truly fearing for your lives, you are STILL 100% better off than humanity has ever been, because you happen to be residing in the top 1% of global wage earners. There are people all over the world who make tens of thousands of dollars less than you, who are still more comfortable now than than they would've been in the super ancient world. Empires and societies rise and fall in the blink of an eye, relative to the Earth's age, even relative to the age of Homo Sapien Sapiens (that's us for anyone who doesn't know).
It's time we get of the high horse of declaring "this is the precipice." If you think we're anywhere near a world shaking, paradigm shift of a true precipice, then you need to educate yourself on the truly world shaking events of our history. And I'm not talking about some political assassination attempt meant to erode trust or instill fear. I mean the type of precipice where it looks, smells, and definitely feels like your little world is ending. The kind of precipice that would make you shit your pants while you're puking up your guts in fear type precipice. The kind of precipice where you're afraid to sleep at night for fear of being dragged out of your 1000 thread count bed sheets and memory foam bed kind of fear. Because it's that kind of fear, and ONLY that kind of fear that truly forces humanity to make a change for the better.
And it's clear to me, with all the rhetoric being spewed from both sides, that we're nowhere near that level of fear yet. How do I know this? Because everyone of us here is in the top 5% of wage earners globally (if you live in the Western Hemisphere in a Western Nation you are in the top 1% of global wage earners), every one of us here is still living in comfortable, air conditioned dwellings while sipping our caffeine while interacting with each other on a global scale using hand held technological wonders called laptops, cell phones, and tablets, while checking our smart watches to let us know what today's weather brings before we take our families on a day trip "to getaway from the week's work/school chaos." (Seriously, get over yourselves. It could ALWAYS get a helluva lot worse than it is now!)
If we were truly anywhere near a world shaking precipice, this site would be empty because no one would be able to access it because the Internet would be down because we'd have no electricity because we'd be too busy trying to survive while the world figuratively and quite literally burns around us.
And from what I see, we are nowhere near that.
Yet. (IF, not when, but IF we ever reach that point, most of you won't even see it because you would've died well beforehand, and probably due to coming across someone way more desperate to survive than you are.)
(Quit bitching about how uncomfortable you feel, because that's all this talk of a precipice really is.)
I agree we are not at the precipice.