Dan Scavino posted this on FB two days ago. Where have we heard this from before? I keep seeing signs that the precipice is upon us. Put on the whole armor of God.

It's not everyone though. It's mostly you guys. Your example about my "religion of experience" is a good example, yes. That's actually ridiculous. How is my philosophy a religion?
How could you know what anyone said about jesus? There are no accounts from his lifetime. No one recorded one single thing about all those supernatural miracles by the god-man. It was the most amazing series of events ever and no one thought to even mention it for posterity.
For posterity? What do you think the Bible is? Let me ask you,Who would have had to written for posterity in order for you to believe it? Those who wrote, the Gospels were eyewitness of what Jesus did and said, every one of them died, a horrific martyr's death because of their testimony about Christ, except for John, who died ad a prisoner for his faith in Christ on the Island pathamus. All they would have had to do, to escape crucifixion, thrown to the Lions, and burnt alive would have been to deny that what they testified about Christ was a lie, but they didn't. If that is not proof, nothing is.
I have been through this with every one of you guys and it is so boring.
Google query: Were the gospels written by eyewitnesses?
"Most scholars agree that they are the work of unknown Christians and were composed c.65-110 AD. The majority of New Testament scholars also agree that the Gospels do not contain eyewitness accounts; but that they present the theologies of their communities rather than the testimony of eyewitnesses."
"So these gospels, even if traditional authorship is granted, would not be eye witness testimony of Jesus."
"Even if the author of Luke was not himself an eyewitness, it does appear that he believed he was recording true history as delivered to him from eyewitnesses."
"The consensus among serious Biblical scholars is that none of the Gospels were written by eyewitnesses to the events in them."
"Despite patristic traditions to the contrary, it seems unlikely that any of the gospel writers were eyewitnesses themselves."
"For this reason, Ehrman concludes that the four Gospels could not have been written by eyewitnesses, but were written by others much later, who had not seen ..."
"There is nothing to indicate the authors of the Gospels thought they were eyewitnesses or using eyewitness testimony."
"The simple truth is that there is no verifiable basis for the historical claim that the gospels preserve reliable, eyewitness testimony about the events of ..."
It goes on and on.