Apologies for the video quality. If anybody can link to the original vid without the colorful & multilingual lettering it would be great.
But listening is worthwhile: Bosi has a great way of explaining things, and it's worth a listen for an explanation and reassurance of the plan at its current stage.
Ugly video here- https://rumble.com/v5g078l-riccardo-bosi-the-final-phase-plan-q-trust-the-plan.html
Edited to add cleaner video link, chased down and offered up by u/ChasingTruth. https://rumble.com/v5eehe4-riccardo-bosi-the-final-phase-plan-q-the-trust-plan.html
Not if they already happened and we didn't know about it. "Secret" trials don't happen in a "free" country.