Corporations don’t particularly like us. And they are financially incentivized to produce as cheap as possible and a lot of additives are cheap. In fact quite a few of them start out as industrial waste from other facilities owned by shareholders of the food corporations. Not to mention they actively employ people whose sole purpose is to figure how to engineer the food they produce to be as addictive as possible and set off all the right dopamine receptors. And hide all evidence of malfeasance, corner cutting, and health risks.
In order to return fatter and fatter profits to shareholders. Which are often composed majority of people and companies who also don’t like the general population.
And Smaller companies who wish to compete financially with the major corporations. If they aren’t bought out. Are also incentivized to adopt the same additives and processes the major companies are using to kill us. In order to stay financially competitive and keep the owners in a lavish lifestyle.
Corporations don’t particularly like us. And they are financially incentivized to produce as cheap as possible and a lot of additives are cheap. In fact quite a few of them start out as industrial waste from other facilities owned by shareholders of the food corporations. Not to mention they actively employ people whose sole purpose is to figure how to engineer the food they produce to be as addictive as possible and set off all the right dopamine receptors. And hide all evidence of malfeasance, corner cutting, and health risks.
In order to return fatter and fatter profits to shareholders. Which are often composed majority of people and companies who also don’t like the general population.
And Smaller companies who wish to compete financially with the major corporations. If they aren’t bought out. Are also incentivized to adopt the same additives and processes the major companies are using to kill us. In order to stay financially competitive and keep the owners in a lavish lifestyle.